Dockerfile.rocm 7.1 KB
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# A image for building paddle binaries
# Use rocm-terminal base image for both rocm environment
# When you modify it, please be aware of rocm version
FROM ubuntu:18.04
MAINTAINER PaddlePaddle Authors <>

# ENV variables


ENV HOME /root
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

# Add bash enhancements
COPY paddle/scripts/docker/root/ /root/

# Update Environment
RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-utils sudo

# Update Timezone
RUN apt install tzdata && \
    ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime && echo 'Asia/Shanghai' > /etc/timezone && \
    dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata

# Location
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y locales && locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
    ENV LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
    ENV LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y make cmake build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \
    libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev \
    xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev openmpi-bin openmpi-doc libopenmpi-dev \
    git vim texinfo patchelf openssl unzip pciutils net-tools python-pip python-dev \
    python-opencv python-matplotlib

# Downgrade gcc&&g++
WORKDIR /usr/bin
COPY tools/dockerfile/build_scripts /build_scripts
RUN bash /build_scripts/ gcc82 && rm -rf /build_scripts 
RUN cp gcc gcc.bak && cp g++ g++.bak && rm gcc && rm g++  && \
    ln -s /usr/local/gcc-8.2/bin/gcc /usr/local/bin/gcc  && \
    ln -s /usr/local/gcc-8.2/bin/g++ /usr/local/bin/g++  && \
    ln -s /usr/local/gcc-8.2/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc  && \
    ln -s /usr/local/gcc-8.2/bin/g++ /usr/bin/g++
ENV PATH=/usr/local/gcc-8.2/bin:$PATH

# install cmake
RUN wget -q && tar -zxf cmake-3.16.0-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz && rm cmake-3.16.0-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
ENV PATH=/opt/cmake-3.16.0-Linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH
RUN echo "export PATH=/opt/cmake-3.16.0-Linux-x86_64/bin:\${PATH}" >> ~/.bashrc

# Install Go and glide
RUN wget -qO- | \
    tar -xz -C /usr/local && \
    mkdir /root/gopath && \
    mkdir /root/gopath/bin && \
    mkdir /root/gopath/src
ENV GOROOT=/usr/local/go GOPATH=/root/gopath
# should not be in the same line with GOROOT definition, otherwise docker build could not find GOROOT.
RUN echo "GOROOT=/usr/local/go" >> ~/.bashrc && \
    echo "GOPATH=/root/gopath" >> ~/.bashrc && \
    echo "export PATH=\${PATH}:\${GOROOT}/bin:\${GOPATH}/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

# install glide
RUN curl -s -q | sh

# git credential to skip password typing
RUN git config --global credential.helper store

# Fix locales to en_US.UTF-8
RUN localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y python2.7 python2.7-dev \
    python3.6 python3.6-dev \
    python3.7 python3.7-dev \
    python3.8 python3.8-dev \
    python3-distutils && \
    curl -o - | python2.7 && \
    curl -o - | python3.6 && \
    curl -o - | python3.7 && \
    curl -o - | python3.8 && \
    rm /usr/bin/python && ln -s /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python && \
    rm /usr/bin/python3 && ln -s /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/python3 && \
    rm /usr/local/bin/pip && ln -s /usr/local/bin/pip2.7 /usr/local/bin/pip && \
    rm /usr/local/bin/pip3 && ln -s /usr/local/bin/pip3.7 /usr/local/bin/pip3

RUN pip3 --no-cache-dir install pre-commit==1.10.4 ipython==5.3.0 && \
    pip3 --no-cache-dir install ipykernel==4.6.0 wheel && \
    pip3.6 --no-cache-dir install pre-commit==1.10.4 ipython==5.3.0 && \
    pip3.6 --no-cache-dir install ipykernel==4.6.0 wheel && \
    pip3.8 --no-cache-dir install pre-commit==1.10.4 ipython==5.3.0 && \
    pip3.8 --no-cache-dir install ipykernel==4.6.0 wheel && \
    pip --no-cache-dir install pre-commit==1.10.4 ipython==5.3.0 && \
    pip --no-cache-dir install ipykernel==4.6.0 wheel 

#For docstring checker
RUN pip3 --no-cache-dir install pylint pytest astroid isort && \
    pip3.6 --no-cache-dir install pylint pytest astroid isort && \
    pip3.8 --no-cache-dir install pylint pytest astroid isort && \
    pip --no-cache-dir install pylint pytest astroid isort

COPY ./python/requirements.txt /root/
RUN pip3 --no-cache-dir install -r /root/requirements.txt && \
    pip3.6 --no-cache-dir install -r /root/requirements.txt && \
    pip3.8 --no-cache-dir install -r /root/requirements.txt && \
    pip --no-cache-dir install -r /root/requirements.txt

RUN apt-get install libprotobuf-dev -y

# Configure OpenSSH server. c.f.
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openssh-server
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd && echo 'root:root' | chpasswd && \
    sed -ri 's/^#?PermitRootLogin\s+.*/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \
    sed -ri 's/UsePAM yes/#UsePAM yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
CMD source ~/.bashrc

# ccache 3.7.9
RUN wget && \
    tar xf ccache-3.7.9.tar.gz && mkdir /usr/local/ccache-3.7.9 && cd ccache-3.7.9 && \
    ./configure -prefix=/usr/local/ccache-3.7.9 && \
    make -j8 && make install && \
    ln -s /usr/local/ccache-3.7.9/bin/ccache /usr/local/bin/ccache

# Install ROCM Package
RUN wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
RUN echo 'deb [arch=amd64]<rocm_repo_version>/ xenial main' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rocm.list
RUN apt-get update && apt install rocm-dkms -y

# Install ROCM Libs
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install rocblas miopen-hip rocrand rccl -y
# rocPRIM
RUN wget<rocprim_version>.tar.gz && tar zxf rocm-<rocprim_version>.tar.gz && rm -rf rocm-<rocprim_version>.tar.gz && \
    cd rocPRIM-rocm-<rocprim_version> && mkdir build && cd build  && \
    CXX=/opt/rocm/hip/bin/hipcc cmake .. && \
    make -j8 && make install && \
    cd .. && rm -rf rocPRIM-rocm-<rocprim_version>/
# rocThrust
RUN wget<rocthrust_version>.tar.gz && tar zxf rocm-<rocthrust_version>.tar.gz && rm -rf rocm-<rocthrust_version>.tar.gz && \
    cd rocThrust-rocm-<rocthrust_version> && mkdir build && cd build && \
    CXX=/opt/rocm/hip/bin/hipcc cmake .. && \
    make -j8 && make install && \
    cd .. && rm -rf rocThrust-rocm-<rocthrust_version>/
# hipCUB
RUN wget<hipcub_version>.tar.gz && tar zxf rocm-<hipcub_version>.tar.gz && rm -rf rocm-<hipcub_version>.tar.gz && \
    cd hipCUB-rocm-<hipcub_version>  && mkdir build && cd build && \
    CXX=/opt/rocm/hip/bin/hipcc cmake .. && \
    make -j8 && make install && \
    cd .. && rm -rf hipCUB-rocm-<hipcub_version>/

ENV PATH=/opt/rocm/bin:$PATH
RUN echo "export PATH=/opt/rocm/bin:\${PATH}" >> ~/.bashrc