提交 900c6d01 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Cleaned up analytics notes

上级 2581be14
......@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ basicChecks = [
modifyMap = modify
addNoteFor id note = modifyMap $ Map.adjust (\(Metadata pos notes) -> Metadata pos (note:notes)) id
warn id note = addNoteFor id $ Note WarningC $ note
err id note = addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC $ note
info id note = addNoteFor id $ Note InfoC $ note
style id note = addNoteFor id $ Note StyleC $ note
willSplit x =
case x of
......@@ -90,7 +94,7 @@ checkFull f s = case parseShell "-" s of
prop_checkUuoc = verify checkUuoc "cat foo | grep bar"
checkUuoc (T_Pipeline _ (T_Redirecting _ _ f@(T_SimpleCommand id _ _):_:_)) =
case deadSimple f of ["cat", _] -> addNoteFor id $ Note StyleC "Useless cat. Consider 'cmd < file | ..' or 'cmd file | ..' instead."
case deadSimple f of ["cat", _] -> style id "Useless cat. Consider 'cmd < file | ..' or 'cmd file | ..' instead."
_ -> return ()
checkUuoc _ = return ()
......@@ -102,14 +106,14 @@ prop_checkForInQuoted = verify checkForInQuoted "for f in \"$(ls)\"; do echo foo
prop_checkForInQuoted2 = verifyNot checkForInQuoted "for f in \"$@\"; do echo foo; done"
checkForInQuoted (T_ForIn _ f [T_NormalWord _ [T_DoubleQuoted id list]] _) =
when (any (\x -> willSplit x && not (isMagicInQuotes x)) list) $
addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC $ "Since you double quoted this, it will not word split, and the loop will only run once"
err id $ "Since you double quoted this, it will not word split, and the loop will only run once"
checkForInQuoted _ = return ()
prop_checkForInLs = verify checkForInLs "for f in $(ls *.mp3); do mplayer \"$f\"; done"
checkForInLs (T_ForIn _ f [T_NormalWord _ [T_DollarExpansion id [x]]] _) =
case deadSimple x of ("ls":n) -> let args = (if n == [] then ["*"] else n) in
addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC $ "Don't use 'for "++f++" in $(ls " ++ (intercalate " " n) ++ ")'. Use 'for "++f++" in "++ (intercalate " " args) ++ "'"
err id $ "Don't use 'for "++f++" in $(ls " ++ (intercalate " " n) ++ ")'. Use 'for "++f++" in "++ (intercalate " " args) ++ "'"
_ -> return ()
checkForInLs _ = return ()
......@@ -124,7 +128,7 @@ checkMissingForQuotes (T_ForIn _ f words cmds) =
markUnquoted _ _ = return ()
mu (T_DollarBraced id s) | s == f = warning id
mu _ = return ()
warning id = addNoteFor id $ Note WarningC $ "Variables that could contain spaces should be quoted"
warning id = warn id $ "Variables that could contain spaces should be quoted"
checkMissingForQuotes _ = return ()
prop_checkMissingPositionalQuotes = verify checkMissingPositionalQuotes "rm $1"
......@@ -132,13 +136,13 @@ prop_checkMissingPositionalQuotes2 = verify checkMissingPositionalQuotes "rm ${1
checkMissingPositionalQuotes (T_NormalWord _ list) =
mapM_ checkPos list
where checkPos (T_DollarBraced id s) | all isDigit (getBracedReference s) =
addNoteFor id $ Note WarningC $ "Positional parameters should be quoted to avoid whitespace trouble"
warn id $ "Positional parameters should be quoted to avoid whitespace trouble"
checkPos _ = return ()
checkMissingPositionalQuotes _ = return ()
prop_checkUnquotedExpansions = verify checkUnquotedExpansions "rm $(ls)"
checkUnquotedExpansions (T_SimpleCommand _ _ cmds) = mapM_ check cmds
where check (T_NormalWord _ [T_DollarExpansion id _]) = addNoteFor id $ Note WarningC "Quote the expansion to prevent word splitting"
where check (T_NormalWord _ [T_DollarExpansion id _]) = warn id "Quote the expansion to prevent word splitting"
check _ = return ()
checkUnquotedExpansions _ = return ()
......@@ -166,20 +170,20 @@ checkRedirectToSame _ = return ()
prop_checkShorthandIf = verify checkShorthandIf "[[ ! -z file ]] && scp file host || rm file"
prop_checkShorthandIf2 = verifyNot checkShorthandIf "[[ ! -z file ]] && { scp file host || echo 'Eek'; }"
checkShorthandIf (T_AndIf id _ (T_OrIf _ _ _)) =
addNoteFor id $ Note InfoC "Note that A && B || C is not if-then-else. C may run when A is true."
info id "Note that A && B || C is not if-then-else. C may run when A is true."
checkShorthandIf _ = return ()
prop_checkDollarStar = verify checkDollarStar "for f in $*; do ..; done"
checkDollarStar (T_NormalWord _ [(T_DollarBraced id "*")]) =
addNoteFor id $ Note WarningC $ "Use \"$@\" (with quotes) to prevent whitespace problems"
warn id $ "Use \"$@\" (with quotes) to prevent whitespace problems"
checkDollarStar _ = return ()
prop_checkUnquotedDollarAt = verify checkUnquotedDollarAt "ls $@"
prop_checkUnquotedDollarAt2 = verifyNot checkUnquotedDollarAt "ls \"$@\""
checkUnquotedDollarAt (T_NormalWord _ [T_DollarBraced id "@"]) =
addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC $ "Add double quotes around $@, otherwise it's just like $* and breaks on spaces"
err id $ "Add double quotes around $@, otherwise it's just like $* and breaks on spaces"
checkUnquotedDollarAt _ = return ()
prop_checkStderrRedirect = verify checkStderrRedirect "test 2>&1 > cow"
......@@ -191,7 +195,7 @@ checkStderrRedirect (T_Redirecting _ [
T_Greater _ -> error
T_DGREAT _ -> error
_ -> return ()
where error = addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC $ "The order of the 2>&1 and the redirect matters. The 2>&1 has to be last."
where error = err id $ "The order of the 2>&1 and the redirect matters. The 2>&1 has to be last."
checkStderrRedirect _ = return ()
lt x = trace ("FAILURE " ++ (show x)) x
......@@ -202,7 +206,7 @@ prop_checkSingleQuotedVariables2 = verify checkSingleQuotedVariables "echo 'lol$
prop_checkSingleQuotedVariables3 = verifyNot checkSingleQuotedVariables "sed 's/foo$/bar/'"
checkSingleQuotedVariables (T_SingleQuoted id s) =
case matchRegex checkSingleQuotedVariablesRe s of
Just [var] -> addNoteFor id $ Note WarningC $ var ++ " won't be expanded in single quotes."
Just [var] -> warn id $ var ++ " won't be expanded in single quotes."
_ -> return ()
checkSingleQuotedVariables _ = return ()
checkSingleQuotedVariablesRe = mkRegex "(\\$[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)"
......@@ -212,7 +216,7 @@ prop_checkUnquotedZN = verify checkUnquotedZN "if [ -z $foo ]; then echo cow; fi
prop_checkUnquotedZN2 = verify checkUnquotedZN "[ -n $cow ]"
prop_checkUnquotedZN3 = verifyNot checkUnquotedZN "[[ -z $foo ]] && echo cow"
checkUnquotedZN (T_Condition _ SingleBracket (TC_Unary _ SingleBracket op (T_NormalWord id [t]))) | ( op == "-z" || op == "-n" ) && willSplit t =
addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC "Always true because you failed to quote. Use [[ ]] instead."
err id "Always true because you failed to quote. Use [[ ]] instead."
checkUnquotedZN _ = return ()
prop_checkNumberComparisons1 = verify checkNumberComparisons "[[ $foo < 3 ]]"
......@@ -222,8 +226,8 @@ prop_checkNumberComparisons4 = verify checkNumberComparisons "[ $foo > $bar ]"
prop_checkNumberComparisons5 = verify checkNumberComparisons "until [ $n <= $z ]; do echo foo; done"
checkNumberComparisons (TC_Binary id typ op lhs rhs)
| op `elem` ["<", ">", "<=", ">="] = do
when (isNum lhs || isNum rhs) $ addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC $ "\"" ++ op ++ "\" is for string comparisons. Use " ++ (eqv op)
when (typ == SingleBracket) $ addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC $ "Can't use " ++ op ++" in [ ]. Use [[ ]]."
when (isNum lhs || isNum rhs) $ err id $ "\"" ++ op ++ "\" is for string comparisons. Use " ++ (eqv op)
when (typ == SingleBracket) $ err id $ "Can't use " ++ op ++" in [ ]. Use [[ ]]."
isNum t = case deadSimple t of [v] -> all isDigit v
_ -> False
......@@ -238,37 +242,37 @@ prop_checkNoaryWasBinary = verify checkNoaryWasBinary "[[ a==$foo ]]"
prop_checkNoaryWasBinary2 = verify checkNoaryWasBinary "[ $foo=3 ]"
checkNoaryWasBinary (TC_Noary _ _ t@(T_NormalWord id l)) = do
let str = concat $ deadSimple t
when ('=' `elem` str) $ addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC $ "Always true because you didn't put spaces around the ="
when ('=' `elem` str) $ err id $ "Always true because you didn't put spaces around the ="
checkNoaryWasBinary _ = return ()
prop_checkBraceExpansionVars = verify checkBraceExpansionVars "echo {1..$n}"
checkBraceExpansionVars (T_BraceExpansion id s) | '$' `elem` s =
addNoteFor id $ Note WarningC $ "You can't use variables in brace expansions."
warn id $ "You can't use variables in brace expansions."
checkBraceExpansionVars _ = return ()
prop_checkForDecimals = verify checkForDecimals "((3.14*c))"
checkForDecimals (TA_Literal id s) | any (== '.') s = do
addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC $ "(( )) doesn't support decimals. Use bc or awk."
err id $ "(( )) doesn't support decimals. Use bc or awk."
checkForDecimals _ = return ()
prop_checkDivBeforeMult = verify checkDivBeforeMult "echo $((c/n*100))"
prop_checkDivBeforeMult2 = verifyNot checkDivBeforeMult "echo $((c*100/n))"
checkDivBeforeMult (TA_Binary _ "*" (TA_Binary id "/" _ _) _) = do
addNoteFor id $ Note InfoC $ "Increase precision by replacing a/b*c with a*c/b"
info id $ "Increase precision by replacing a/b*c with a*c/b"
checkDivBeforeMult _ = return ()
prop_checkArithmeticDeref = verify checkArithmeticDeref "echo $((3+$foo))"
prop_checkArithmeticDeref2 = verify checkArithmeticDeref "cow=14; (( s+= $cow ))"
prop_checkArithmeticDeref3 = verifyNot checkArithmeticDeref "cow=1/40; (( s+= ${cow%%/*} ))"
checkArithmeticDeref (TA_Expansion _ (T_DollarBraced id str)) | not $ any (`elem` "/.:#%") $ str =
addNoteFor id $ Note WarningC $ "Don't use $ on variables in (( )) unless you want to dereference twice"
warn id $ "Don't use $ on variables in (( )) unless you want to dereference twice"
checkArithmeticDeref _ = return ()
prop_checkComparisonAgainstGlob = verify checkComparisonAgainstGlob "[[ $cow == $bar ]]"
prop_checkComparisonAgainstGlob2 = verifyNot checkComparisonAgainstGlob "[[ $cow == \"$bar\" ]]"
checkComparisonAgainstGlob (TC_Binary _ DoubleBracket op _ (T_NormalWord id [T_DollarBraced _ _])) | op == "=" || op == "==" =
addNoteFor id $ Note WarningC $ "Quote the rhs of = in [[ ]] to prevent glob interpretation"
warn id $ "Quote the rhs of = in [[ ]] to prevent glob interpretation"
checkComparisonAgainstGlob _ = return ()
allModifiedVariables t = snd $ runState (doAnalysis (\x -> modify $ (++) (getModifiedVariables x)) t) []
......@@ -306,7 +310,7 @@ checkPrintfVar = checkCommand "printf" f where
f _ = return ()
check format =
if not $ isLiteral format
then addNoteFor (getId format) $ Note WarningC $ "Don't use printf \"$foo\", use printf \"%s\" \"$foo\""
then warn (getId format) $ "Don't use printf \"$foo\", use printf \"%s\" \"$foo\""
else return ()
--- Subshell detection
......@@ -413,8 +417,8 @@ findSubshelled ((Reference (readId, str)):rest) scopes deadVars = do
case Map.findWithDefault Alive str deadVars of
Alive -> return ()
Dead writeId reason -> do
addNoteFor writeId $ Note InfoC $ "Modification of " ++ str ++ " is local (to subshell caused by "++ reason ++")."
addNoteFor readId $ Note InfoC $ str ++ " was modified in a subshell. That change might be lost."
info writeId $ "Modification of " ++ str ++ " is local (to subshell caused by "++ reason ++")."
info readId $ str ++ " was modified in a subshell. That change might be lost."
findSubshelled rest scopes deadVars
findSubshelled ((StackScope (SubshellScope reason)):rest) scopes deadVars =
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