提交 5dac7235 编写于 作者: R Rodrigo Setti

Collection of HLint fixes

上级 2364fd58
......@@ -18,11 +18,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module ShellCheck.Analytics (AnalysisOption(..), filterByAnnotation, runAnalytics, shellForExecutable, runTests) where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
......@@ -48,8 +50,8 @@ data AnalysisOption = ForceShell Shell
treeChecks :: [Parameters -> Token -> [Note]]
treeChecks = [
(\p t -> mapM_ (\f -> f t) $
map (\f -> f p) (nodeChecks ++ checksFor (shellType p)))
(\p t -> (mapM_ ((\ f -> f t) . (\ f -> f p))
(nodeChecks ++ checksFor (shellType p))))
......@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ matchAll re = unfoldr f
f str = do
(_, match, rest, _) <- matchRegexAll re str
return $ (match, rest)
return (match, rest)
willSplit x =
case x of
......@@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ isConfusedGlobRegex [x,'*'] | x /= '\\' = True
isConfusedGlobRegex _ = False
getSuspiciousRegexWildcard str =
if (not $ str `matches` contra)
if not $ str `matches` contra
then do
match <- matchRegex suspicious str
str <- match !!! 0
......@@ -308,7 +310,7 @@ makeSimple t = t
simplify = doTransform makeSimple
deadSimple (T_NormalWord _ l) = [concat (concatMap deadSimple l)]
deadSimple (T_DoubleQuoted _ l) = [(concat (concatMap deadSimple l))]
deadSimple (T_DoubleQuoted _ l) = [concat (concatMap deadSimple l)]
deadSimple (T_SingleQuoted _ s) = [s]
deadSimple (T_DollarBraced _ _) = ["${VAR}"]
deadSimple (T_DollarArithmetic _ _) = ["${VAR}"]
......@@ -425,7 +427,7 @@ checkArithmeticOpCommand _ _ = return ()
prop_checkWrongArit = verify checkWrongArithmeticAssignment "i=i+1"
prop_checkWrongArit2 = verify checkWrongArithmeticAssignment "n=2; i=n*2"
checkWrongArithmeticAssignment params (T_SimpleCommand id ((T_Assignment _ _ _ _ val):[]) []) =
checkWrongArithmeticAssignment params (T_SimpleCommand id (T_Assignment _ _ _ _ val:[]) []) =
fromMaybe (return ()) $ do
str <- getNormalString val
match <- matchRegex regex str
......@@ -456,7 +458,7 @@ prop_checkUuoc1 = verify checkUuoc "cat foo | grep bar"
prop_checkUuoc2 = verifyNot checkUuoc "cat * | grep bar"
prop_checkUuoc3 = verify checkUuoc "cat $var | grep bar"
prop_checkUuoc4 = verifyNot checkUuoc "cat $var"
checkUuoc _ (T_Pipeline _ _ ((T_Redirecting _ _ cmd):_:_)) =
checkUuoc _ (T_Pipeline _ _ (T_Redirecting _ _ cmd:_:_)) =
checkCommand "cat" (const f) cmd
f [word] = when (isSimple word) $
......@@ -472,7 +474,7 @@ prop_checkNeedlessCommands2 = verify checkNeedlessCommands "foo=`echo \\`expr 3
prop_checkNeedlessCommands3 = verifyNot checkNeedlessCommands "foo=$(expr foo : regex)"
prop_checkNeedlessCommands4 = verifyNot checkNeedlessCommands "foo=$(expr foo \\< regex)"
checkNeedlessCommands _ cmd@(T_SimpleCommand id _ args) |
cmd `isCommand` "expr" && (not $ any (`elem` words) exceptions) =
cmd `isCommand` "expr" && not (any (`elem` words) exceptions) =
style id 2003 "expr is antiquated. Consider rewriting this using $((..)), ${} or [[ ]]."
-- These operators are hard to replicate in POSIX
......@@ -514,7 +516,7 @@ checkPipePitfalls _ (T_Pipeline id _ commands) = do
for l f =
let indices = indexOfSublists l (map (headOrDefault "" . deadSimple) commands)
in do
mapM_ f (map (\n -> take (length l) $ drop n $ commands) indices)
mapM_ (f . (\ n -> take (length l) $ drop n commands)) indices
return . not . null $ indices
for' l f = for l (first f)
first func (x:_) = func (getId x)
......@@ -522,7 +524,7 @@ checkPipePitfalls _ (T_Pipeline id _ commands) = do
hasShortParameter list char = any (\x -> "-" `isPrefixOf` x && char `elem` x) list
checkPipePitfalls _ _ = return ()
indexOfSublists sub all = f 0 all
indexOfSublists sub = f 0
f _ [] = []
f n a@(r:rest) =
......@@ -572,9 +574,7 @@ mayBecomeMultipleArgs t = willBecomeMultipleArgs t || f t
prop_checkShebang1 = verifyTree checkShebang "#!/usr/bin/env bash -x\necho cow"
prop_checkShebang2 = verifyNotTree checkShebang "#! /bin/sh -l "
checkShebang _ (T_Script id sb _) =
if (length $ words sb) > 2 then
[Note id ErrorC 2096 $ "On most OS, shebangs can only specify a single parameter."]
else []
[Note id ErrorC 2096 "On most OS, shebangs can only specify a single parameter." | length (words sb) > 2]
prop_checkBashisms = verify checkBashisms "while read a; do :; done < <(a)"
prop_checkBashisms2 = verify checkBashisms "[ foo -nt bar ]"
......@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ checkBashisms _ = bashism
warnMsg id $ op ++ " is"
bashism (TA_Unary id op _)
| op `elem` [ "|++", "|--", "++|", "--|"] =
warnMsg id $ (filter (/= '|') op) ++ " is"
warnMsg id $ filter (/= '|') op ++ " is"
bashism t@(T_SimpleCommand id _ _)
| t `isCommand` "source" =
warnMsg id "'source' in place of '.' is"
......@@ -630,9 +630,9 @@ checkBashisms _ = bashism
| t `isCommand` "echo" && "-" `isPrefixOf` argString =
unless ("--" `isPrefixOf` argString) $ -- echo "-------"
warnMsg (getId arg) "echo flags are"
where argString = (concat $ deadSimple arg)
where argString = concat $ deadSimple arg
bashism t@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (cmd:arg:_))
| t `isCommand` "exec" && "-" `isPrefixOf` (concat $ deadSimple arg) =
| t `isCommand` "exec" && "-" `isPrefixOf` concat (deadSimple arg) =
warnMsg (getId arg) "exec flags are"
bashism t@(T_SimpleCommand id _ _)
| t `isCommand` "let" = warnMsg id "'let' is"
......@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ checkBashisms _ = bashism
(re $ "^![" ++ varChars ++ "]+[*@]$", "name matching prefixes are"),
(re $ "^[" ++ varChars ++ "]+:[^-=?+]", "string indexing is"),
(re $ "^[" ++ varChars ++ "]+(\\[.*\\])?/", "string replacement is"),
(re $ "^RANDOM$", "$RANDOM is")
(re "^RANDOM$", "$RANDOM is")
prop_checkForInQuoted = verify checkForInQuoted "for f in \"$(ls)\"; do echo foo; done"
......@@ -667,14 +667,14 @@ prop_checkForInQuoted6 = verifyNot checkForInQuoted "for f in \"${!arr}\"; do tr
checkForInQuoted _ (T_ForIn _ _ f [T_NormalWord _ [word@(T_DoubleQuoted id list)]] _) =
when (any (\x -> willSplit x && not (mayBecomeMultipleArgs x)) list
|| (liftM wouldHaveBeenGlob (getLiteralString word) == Just True)) $
err id 2066 $ "Since you double quoted this, it will not word split, and the loop will only run once."
err id 2066 "Since you double quoted this, it will not word split, and the loop will only run once."
checkForInQuoted _ (T_ForIn _ _ f [T_NormalWord _ [T_SingleQuoted id s]] _) =
warn id 2041 $ "This is a literal string. To run as a command, use $(" ++ s ++ ")."
checkForInQuoted _ (T_ForIn _ _ f [T_NormalWord _ [T_Literal id s]] _) =
if ',' `elem` s
then unless ('{' `elem` s) $
warn id 2042 $ "Use spaces, not commas, to separate loop elements."
else warn id 2043 $ "This loop will only run once, with " ++ (head f) ++ "='" ++ s ++ "'."
warn id 2042 "Use spaces, not commas, to separate loop elements."
else warn id 2043 $ "This loop will only run once, with " ++ head f ++ "='" ++ s ++ "'."
checkForInQuoted _ _ = return ()
prop_checkForInCat1 = verify checkForInCat "for f in $(cat foo); do stuff; done"
......@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ checkForInCat _ _ = return ()
prop_checkForInLs = verify checkForInLs "for f in $(ls *.mp3); do mplayer \"$f\"; done"
prop_checkForInLs2 = verify checkForInLs "for f in `ls *.mp3`; do mplayer \"$f\"; done"
prop_checkForInLs3 = verify checkForInLs "for f in `find / -name '*.mp3'`; do mplayer \"$f\"; done"
checkForInLs _ t = try t
checkForInLs _ = try
try (T_ForIn _ _ f [T_NormalWord _ [T_DollarExpansion id [x]]] _) =
check id f x
......@@ -720,14 +720,14 @@ prop_checkFindExec5 = verifyNot checkFindExec "find / -execdir bash -c 'a && b'
prop_checkFindExec6 = verify checkFindExec "find / -type d -execdir rm *.jpg \\;"
checkFindExec _ cmd@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ t@(h:r)) | cmd `isCommand` "find" = do
c <- broken r False
when c $ do
when c $
let wordId = getId $ last t in
err wordId 2067 "Missing ';' or + terminating -exec. You can't use |/||/&&, and ';' has to be a separate, quoted argument."
broken [] v = return v
broken (w:r) v = do
when v $ (mapM_ warnFor $ fromWord w)
when v (mapM_ warnFor $ fromWord w)
case getLiteralString w of
Just "-exec" -> broken r True
Just "-execdir" -> broken r True
......@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ checkFindExec _ cmd@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ t@(h:r)) | cmd `isCommand` "find" = do
T_DollarExpansion _ _ -> True
T_Backticked _ _ -> True
T_Glob _ _ -> True
T_Extglob _ _ _ -> True
T_Extglob {} -> True
_ -> False
warnFor x =
......@@ -761,8 +761,8 @@ prop_checkUnquotedExpansions4 = verifyNot checkUnquotedExpansions "[[ $(foo) ==
prop_checkUnquotedExpansions5 = verifyNot checkUnquotedExpansions "for f in $(cmd); do echo $f; done"
prop_checkUnquotedExpansions6 = verifyNot checkUnquotedExpansions "$(cmd)"
prop_checkUnquotedExpansions7 = verifyNot checkUnquotedExpansions "cat << foo\n$(ls)\nfoo"
checkUnquotedExpansions params t =
check t
checkUnquotedExpansions params =
check t@(T_DollarExpansion _ _) = examine t
check t@(T_Backticked _ _) = examine t
......@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ prop_checkRedirectToSame5 = verifyNot checkRedirectToSame "foo > bar 2> bar"
checkRedirectToSame params s@(T_Pipeline _ _ list) =
mapM_ (\l -> (mapM_ (\x -> doAnalysis (checkOccurences x) l) (getAllRedirs list))) list
note x = Note x InfoC 2094 $
note x = Note x InfoC 2094
"Make sure not to read and write the same file in the same pipeline."
checkOccurences t@(T_NormalWord exceptId x) u@(T_NormalWord newId y) =
when (exceptId /= newId
......@@ -791,17 +791,17 @@ checkRedirectToSame params s@(T_Pipeline _ _ list) =
addNote $ note newId
addNote $ note exceptId
checkOccurences _ _ = return ()
getAllRedirs l = concatMap (\(T_Redirecting _ ls _) -> concatMap getRedirs ls) l
getAllRedirs = concatMap (\(T_Redirecting _ ls _) -> concatMap getRedirs ls)
getRedirs (T_FdRedirect _ _ (T_IoFile _ op file)) =
case op of T_Greater _ -> [file]
T_Less _ -> [file]
T_DGREAT _ -> [file]
_ -> []
getRedirs _ = []
special x = "/dev/" `isPrefixOf` (concat $ deadSimple x)
special x = "/dev/" `isPrefixOf` concat (deadSimple x)
isOutput t =
case drop 1 $ getPath (parentMap params) t of
(T_IoFile _ op _):_ ->
T_IoFile _ op _:_ ->
case op of
T_Greater _ -> True
T_DGREAT _ -> True
......@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ checkShorthandIf _ (T_AndIf id _ (T_OrIf _ _ (T_Pipeline _ _ t)))
| not $ isOk t =
info id 2015 "Note that A && B || C is not if-then-else. C may run when A is true."
isOk [t] = isAssignment t || (fromMaybe False $ do
isOk [t] = isAssignment t || fromMaybe False (do
name <- getCommandBasename t
return $ name `elem` ["echo", "exit", "return"])
isOk _ = False
......@@ -827,10 +827,10 @@ checkShorthandIf _ _ = return ()
prop_checkDollarStar = verify checkDollarStar "for f in $*; do ..; done"
prop_checkDollarStar2 = verifyNot checkDollarStar "a=$*"
checkDollarStar p t@(T_NormalWord _ [(T_DollarBraced id l)])
| (bracedString l) == "*" =
checkDollarStar p t@(T_NormalWord _ [T_DollarBraced id l])
| bracedString l == "*" =
unless isAssigned $
warn id 2048 $ "Use \"$@\" (with quotes) to prevent whitespace problems."
warn id 2048 "Use \"$@\" (with quotes) to prevent whitespace problems."
path = getPath (parentMap p) t
isAssigned = any isAssignment . take 2 $ path
......@@ -845,8 +845,8 @@ prop_checkUnquotedDollarAt4 = verifyNot checkUnquotedDollarAt "ls \"$@\""
prop_checkUnquotedDollarAt5 = verifyNot checkUnquotedDollarAt "ls ${foo/@/ at }"
prop_checkUnquotedDollarAt6 = verifyNot checkUnquotedDollarAt "a=$@"
checkUnquotedDollarAt p word@(T_NormalWord _ parts) | not isAssigned =
flip mapM_ (take 1 $ filter isArrayExpansion parts) $ \x -> do
err (getId x) 2068 $
forM_ (take 1 $ filter isArrayExpansion parts) $ \x ->
err (getId x) 2068
"Double quote array expansions, otherwise they're like $* and break on spaces."
path = getPath (parentMap p) word
......@@ -882,8 +882,8 @@ checkArrayWithoutIndex params _ =
return . maybeToList $ do
name <- getLiteralString token
assignment <- Map.lookup name map
return [(Note id WarningC 2128
"Expanding an array without an index only gives the first element.")]
return [Note id WarningC 2128
"Expanding an array without an index only gives the first element."]
readF _ _ _ = return []
writeF _ t name (DataFrom [T_Array {}]) = do
......@@ -902,11 +902,11 @@ checkStderrRedirect _ (T_Redirecting _ [
T_Greater _ -> error
T_DGREAT _ -> error
_ -> return ()
where error = err id 2069 $ "The order of the 2>&1 and the redirect matters. The 2>&1 has to be last."
where error = err id 2069 "The order of the 2>&1 and the redirect matters. The 2>&1 has to be last."
checkStderrRedirect _ _ = return ()
lt x = trace ("FAILURE " ++ (show x)) x
ltt t x = trace ("FAILURE " ++ (show t)) x
lt x = trace ("FAILURE " ++ show x) x
ltt t = trace ("FAILURE " ++ show t)
prop_checkSingleQuotedVariables = verify checkSingleQuotedVariables "echo '$foo'"
......@@ -927,15 +927,14 @@ checkSingleQuotedVariables params t@(T_SingleQuoted id s) =
else unless isProbablyOk showMessage
parents = parentMap params
showMessage = info id 2016 $
showMessage = info id 2016
"Expressions don't expand in single quotes, use double quotes for that."
commandName = fromMaybe "" $ do
cmd <- getClosestCommand parents t
name <- getCommandBasename cmd
return name
getCommandBasename cmd
isProbablyOk =
(any isOkAssignment $ take 3 $ getPath parents t)
any isOkAssignment (take 3 $ getPath parents t)
|| commandName `elem` [
......@@ -980,22 +979,22 @@ prop_checkNumberComparisons10= verify checkNumberComparisons "#!/bin/zsh -x\n[ f
prop_checkNumberComparisons11= verify checkNumberComparisons "[[ $foo -eq 'N' ]]"
prop_checkNumberComparisons12= verify checkNumberComparisons "[ x$foo -gt x${N} ]"
checkNumberComparisons params (TC_Binary id typ op lhs rhs) = do
if (isNum lhs && (not $ isNonNum rhs)
|| isNum rhs && (not $ isNonNum lhs))
if isNum lhs && not (isNonNum rhs)
|| isNum rhs && not (isNonNum lhs)
then do
when (isLtGt op) $
err id 2071 $
op ++ " is for string comparisons. Use " ++ (eqv op) ++ " instead."
op ++ " is for string comparisons. Use " ++ eqv op ++ " instead."
when (isLeGe op) $
err id 2071 $ op ++ " is not a valid operator. " ++
"Use " ++ (eqv op) ++ " ."
"Use " ++ eqv op ++ " ."
else do
when (isLeGe op || isLtGt op) $
mapM_ checkDecimals [lhs, rhs]
when (isLeGe op) $
err id 2122 $ op ++ " is not a valid operator. " ++
"Use '! a " ++ (invert op) ++ " b' instead."
"Use '! a " ++ invert op ++ " b' instead."
when (op `elem` ["-lt", "-gt", "-le", "-ge", "-eq"]) $ do
mapM_ checkDecimals [lhs, rhs]
......@@ -1023,7 +1022,7 @@ checkNumberComparisons params (TC_Binary id typ op lhs rhs) = do
numChar x = isDigit x || x `elem` "+-. "
stringError t = err (getId t) 2130 $
op ++ " is for integer comparisons. Use " ++ (seqv op) ++ " instead."
op ++ " is for integer comparisons. Use " ++ seqv op ++ " instead."
isNum t =
case deadSimple t of
......@@ -1098,7 +1097,7 @@ checkQuotedCondRegex _ (TC_Binary _ _ "=~" _ rhs) =
T_NormalWord id [T_SingleQuoted _ _] -> error id
_ -> return ()
error id = err id 2076 $ "Don't quote rhs of =~, it'll match literally rather than as a regex."
error id = err id 2076 "Don't quote rhs of =~, it'll match literally rather than as a regex."
checkQuotedCondRegex _ _ = return ()
prop_checkGlobbedRegex1 = verify checkGlobbedRegex "[[ $foo =~ *foo* ]]"
......@@ -1108,9 +1107,8 @@ prop_checkGlobbedRegex3 = verifyNot checkGlobbedRegex "[[ $foo =~ $foo ]]"
prop_checkGlobbedRegex4 = verifyNot checkGlobbedRegex "[[ $foo =~ ^c.* ]]"
checkGlobbedRegex _ (TC_Binary _ DoubleBracket "=~" _ rhs) =
let s = concat $ deadSimple rhs in
if isConfusedGlobRegex s
then warn (getId rhs) 2049 $ "=~ is for regex. Use == for globs."
else return ()
when (isConfusedGlobRegex s) $
warn (getId rhs) 2049 "=~ is for regex. Use == for globs."
checkGlobbedRegex _ _ = return ()
......@@ -1120,8 +1118,8 @@ prop_checkConstantIfs3 = verify checkConstantIfs "[[ $n -le 4 && n -ge 2 ]]"
prop_checkConstantIfs4 = verifyNot checkConstantIfs "[[ $n -le 3 ]]"
prop_checkConstantIfs5 = verifyNot checkConstantIfs "[[ $n -le $n ]]"
checkConstantIfs _ (TC_Binary id typ op lhs rhs)
| op `elem` [ "==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "-eq", "-ne", "-lt", "-le", "-gt", "-ge", "=~", ">", "<", "="] = do
when (isJust lLit && isJust rLit) $ warn id 2050 $ "This expression is constant. Did you forget the $ on a variable?"
| op `elem` [ "==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "-eq", "-ne", "-lt", "-le", "-gt", "-ge", "=~", ">", "<", "="] =
when (isJust lLit && isJust rLit) $ warn id 2050 "This expression is constant. Did you forget the $ on a variable?"
lLit = getLiteralString lhs
rLit = getLiteralString rhs
......@@ -1132,32 +1130,32 @@ prop_checkNoaryWasBinary2 = verify checkNoaryWasBinary "[ $foo=3 ]"
prop_checkNoaryWasBinary3 = verify checkNoaryWasBinary "[ $foo!=3 ]"
checkNoaryWasBinary _ (TC_Noary _ _ t@(T_NormalWord id l)) | not $ isConstant t = do
let str = concat $ deadSimple t
when ('=' `elem` str) $ err id 2077 $ "You need spaces around the comparison operator."
when ('=' `elem` str) $ err id 2077 "You need spaces around the comparison operator."
checkNoaryWasBinary _ _ = return ()
prop_checkConstantNoary = verify checkConstantNoary "[[ '$(foo)' ]]"
prop_checkConstantNoary2 = verify checkConstantNoary "[ \"-f lol\" ]"
prop_checkConstantNoary3 = verify checkConstantNoary "[[ cmd ]]"
prop_checkConstantNoary4 = verify checkConstantNoary "[[ ! cmd ]]"
checkConstantNoary _ (TC_Noary _ _ t@(T_NormalWord id _)) | isConstant t = do
err id 2078 $ "This expression is constant. Did you forget a $ somewhere?"
checkConstantNoary _ (TC_Noary _ _ t@(T_NormalWord id _)) | isConstant t =
err id 2078 "This expression is constant. Did you forget a $ somewhere?"
checkConstantNoary _ _ = return ()
prop_checkBraceExpansionVars1 = verify checkBraceExpansionVars "echo {1..$n}"
prop_checkBraceExpansionVars2 = verifyNot checkBraceExpansionVars "echo {1,3,$n}"
checkBraceExpansionVars _ (T_BraceExpansion id s) | "..$" `isInfixOf` s =
warn id 2051 $ "Bash doesn't support variables in brace range expansions."
warn id 2051 "Bash doesn't support variables in brace range expansions."
checkBraceExpansionVars _ _ = return ()
prop_checkForDecimals = verify checkForDecimals "((3.14*c))"
checkForDecimals _ (TA_Literal id s) | any (== '.') s = do
err id 2079 $ "(( )) doesn't support decimals. Use bc or awk."
checkForDecimals _ (TA_Literal id s) | '.' `elem` s =
err id 2079 "(( )) doesn't support decimals. Use bc or awk."
checkForDecimals _ _ = return ()
prop_checkDivBeforeMult = verify checkDivBeforeMult "echo $((c/n*100))"
prop_checkDivBeforeMult2 = verifyNot checkDivBeforeMult "echo $((c*100/n))"
checkDivBeforeMult _ (TA_Binary _ "*" (TA_Binary id "/" _ _) _) = do
info id 2017 $ "Increase precision by replacing a/b*c with a*c/b."
checkDivBeforeMult _ (TA_Binary _ "*" (TA_Binary id "/" _ _) _) =
info id 2017 "Increase precision by replacing a/b*c with a*c/b."
checkDivBeforeMult _ _ = return ()
prop_checkArithmeticDeref = verify checkArithmeticDeref "echo $((3+$foo))"
......@@ -1168,21 +1166,21 @@ prop_checkArithmeticDeref5 = verifyNot checkArithmeticDeref "(($1))"
prop_checkArithmeticDeref6 = verifyNot checkArithmeticDeref "(( ${a[$i]} ))"
prop_checkArithmeticDeref7 = verifyNot checkArithmeticDeref "(( 10#$n ))"
checkArithmeticDeref params t@(TA_Expansion _ (T_DollarBraced id l)) =
when (not $ (excepting $ bracedString l) || inBaseExpression) $
style id 2004 $ "$ on variables in (( )) is unnecessary."
unless (excepting (bracedString l) || inBaseExpression) $
style id 2004 "$ on variables in (( )) is unnecessary."
inBaseExpression = any isBase $ parents params t
isBase (TA_Base {}) = True
isBase _ = False
excepting [] = True
excepting s = (any (`elem` "/.:#%?*@[]") s) || (isDigit $ head s)
excepting s = any (`elem` "/.:#%?*@[]") s || isDigit (head s)
checkArithmeticDeref _ _ = return ()
prop_checkArithmeticBadOctal1 = verify checkArithmeticBadOctal "(( 0192 ))"
prop_checkArithmeticBadOctal2 = verifyNot checkArithmeticBadOctal "(( 0x192 ))"
prop_checkArithmeticBadOctal3 = verifyNot checkArithmeticBadOctal "(( 1 ^ 0777 ))"
checkArithmeticBadOctal _ (TA_Base id "0" (TA_Literal _ str)) | '9' `elem` str || '8' `elem` str =
err id 2080 $ "Numbers with leading 0 are considered octal."
err id 2080 "Numbers with leading 0 are considered octal."
checkArithmeticBadOctal _ _ = return ()
prop_checkComparisonAgainstGlob = verify checkComparisonAgainstGlob "[[ $cow == $bar ]]"
......@@ -1190,10 +1188,10 @@ prop_checkComparisonAgainstGlob2 = verifyNot checkComparisonAgainstGlob "[[ $cow
prop_checkComparisonAgainstGlob3 = verify checkComparisonAgainstGlob "[ $cow = *foo* ]"
prop_checkComparisonAgainstGlob4 = verifyNot checkComparisonAgainstGlob "[ $cow = foo ]"
checkComparisonAgainstGlob _ (TC_Binary _ DoubleBracket op _ (T_NormalWord id [T_DollarBraced _ _])) | op == "=" || op == "==" =
warn id 2053 $ "Quote the rhs of = in [[ ]] to prevent glob interpretation."
warn id 2053 "Quote the rhs of = in [[ ]] to prevent glob interpretation."
checkComparisonAgainstGlob _ (TC_Binary _ SingleBracket op _ word)
| (op == "=" || op == "==") && isGlob word =
err (getId word) 2081 $ "[ .. ] can't match globs. Use [[ .. ]] or grep."
err (getId word) 2081 "[ .. ] can't match globs. Use [[ .. ]] or grep."
checkComparisonAgainstGlob _ _ = return ()
prop_checkCommarrays1 = verify checkCommarrays "a=(1, 2)"
......@@ -1208,7 +1206,7 @@ checkCommarrays _ (T_Array id l) =
literal (T_Literal _ str) = str
literal _ = "str"
isCommaSeparated str = "," `isSuffixOf` str || (length $ filter (== ',') str) > 1
isCommaSeparated str = "," `isSuffixOf` str || length (filter (== ',') str) > 1
checkCommarrays _ _ = return ()
prop_checkOrNeq1 = verify checkOrNeq "if [[ $lol -ne cow || $lol -ne foo ]]; then echo foo; fi"
......@@ -1231,10 +1229,10 @@ prop_checkValidCondOps2a= verifyNot checkValidCondOps "[ 3 \\> 2 ]"
prop_checkValidCondOps3 = verifyNot checkValidCondOps "[ 1 = 2 -a 3 -ge 4 ]"
prop_checkValidCondOps4 = verifyNot checkValidCondOps "[[ ! -v foo ]]"
checkValidCondOps _ (TC_Binary id _ s _ _)
| not (s `elem` ["-nt", "-ot", "-ef", "==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "-eq", "-ne", "-lt", "-le", "-gt", "-ge", "=~", ">", "<", "=", "\\<", "\\>", "\\<=", "\\>="]) =
| s `notElem` ["-nt", "-ot", "-ef", "==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "-eq", "-ne", "-lt", "-le", "-gt", "-ge", "=~", ">", "<", "=", "\\<", "\\>", "\\<=", "\\>="] =
warn id 2057 "Unknown binary operator."
checkValidCondOps _ (TC_Unary id _ s _)
| not (s `elem` [ "!", "-a", "-b", "-c", "-d", "-e", "-f", "-g", "-h", "-L", "-k", "-p", "-r", "-s", "-S", "-t", "-u", "-w", "-x", "-O", "-G", "-N", "-z", "-n", "-o", "-v", "-R"]) =
| s `notElem` [ "!", "-a", "-b", "-c", "-d", "-e", "-f", "-g", "-h", "-L", "-k", "-p", "-r", "-s", "-S", "-t", "-u", "-w", "-x", "-O", "-G", "-N", "-z", "-n", "-o", "-v", "-R"] =
warn id 2058 "Unknown unary operator."
checkValidCondOps _ _ = return ()
......@@ -1243,14 +1241,14 @@ checkValidCondOps _ _ = return ()
getParentTree t =
snd . snd $ runState (doStackAnalysis pre post t) ([], Map.empty)
pre t = modify (\(l, m) -> (t:l, m))
pre t = modify (first ((:) t))
post t = do
((_:rest), map) <- get
(_:rest, map) <- get
case rest of [] -> put (rest, map)
(x:_) -> put (rest, Map.insert (getId t) x map)
getTokenMap t =
snd $ runState (doAnalysis f t) (Map.empty)
execState (doAnalysis f t) Map.empty
f t = modify (Map.insert (getId t) t)
......@@ -1258,7 +1256,7 @@ getTokenMap t =
-- Is this node self quoting?
isQuoteFree tree t =
(isQuoteFreeElement t == Just True) ||
(head $ (mapMaybe isQuoteFreeContext $ drop 1 $ getPath tree t) ++ [False])
head (mapMaybe isQuoteFreeContext (drop 1 $ getPath tree t) ++ [False])
-- Is this node self-quoting in itself?
isQuoteFreeElement t =
......@@ -1272,24 +1270,24 @@ isQuoteFree tree t =
TC_Noary _ DoubleBracket _ -> return True
TC_Unary _ DoubleBracket _ _ -> return True
TC_Binary _ DoubleBracket _ _ _ -> return True
TA_Unary _ _ _ -> return True
TA_Binary _ _ _ _ -> return True
TA_Trinary _ _ _ _ -> return True
TA_Unary {} -> return True
TA_Binary {} -> return True
TA_Trinary {} -> return True
TA_Expansion _ _ -> return True
T_Assignment {} -> return True
T_Redirecting _ _ _ -> return $
T_Redirecting {} -> return $
any (isCommand t) ["local", "declare", "typeset", "export"]
T_DoubleQuoted _ _ -> return True
T_CaseExpression _ _ _ -> return True
T_HereDoc _ _ _ _ _ -> return True
T_CaseExpression {} -> return True
T_HereDoc {} -> return True
T_DollarBraced {} -> return True
-- Pragmatically assume it's desirable to split here
T_ForIn {} -> return True
T_SelectIn {} -> return True
_ -> Nothing
isParamTo tree cmd t =
go t
isParamTo tree cmd =
go x = case Map.lookup (getId x) tree of
Nothing -> False
......@@ -1299,24 +1297,24 @@ isParamTo tree cmd t =
T_SingleQuoted _ _ -> go t
T_DoubleQuoted _ _ -> go t
T_NormalWord _ _ -> go t
T_SimpleCommand _ _ _ -> isCommand t cmd
T_Redirecting _ _ _ -> isCommand t cmd
T_SimpleCommand {} -> isCommand t cmd
T_Redirecting {} -> isCommand t cmd
_ -> False
getClosestCommand tree t =
msum . map getCommand $ getPath tree t
getCommand t@(T_Redirecting _ _ _) = return t
getCommand t@(T_Redirecting {}) = return t
getCommand _ = Nothing
usedAsCommandName tree token = go (getId token) (tail $ getPath tree token)
go currentId ((T_NormalWord id [word]):rest)
| currentId == (getId word) = go id rest
go currentId ((T_DoubleQuoted id [word]):rest)
| currentId == (getId word) = go id rest
go currentId ((T_SimpleCommand _ _ (word:_)):_)
| currentId == (getId word) = True
go currentId (T_NormalWord id [word]:rest)
| currentId == getId word = go id rest
go currentId (T_DoubleQuoted id [word]:rest)
| currentId == getId word = go id rest
go currentId (T_SimpleCommand _ _ (word:_):_)
| currentId == getId word = True
go _ _ = False
-- A list of the element and all its parents
......@@ -1325,16 +1323,16 @@ getPath tree t = t :
Nothing -> []
Just parent -> getPath tree parent
parents params t = getPath (parentMap params) t
parents params = getPath (parentMap params)
--- Command specific checks
checkCommand str f t@(T_SimpleCommand id _ (cmd:rest)) =
if t `isCommand` str then f cmd rest else return ()
when (t `isCommand` str) $ f cmd rest
checkCommand _ _ _ = return ()
checkUnqualifiedCommand str f t@(T_SimpleCommand id _ (cmd:rest)) =
if t `isUnqualifiedCommand` str then f cmd rest else return ()
when (t `isUnqualifiedCommand` str) $ f cmd rest
checkUnqualifiedCommand _ _ _ = return ()
getLiteralString = getLiteralStringExt (const Nothing)
......@@ -1344,7 +1342,7 @@ getGlobOrLiteralString = getLiteralStringExt f
f (T_Glob _ str) = return str
f _ = Nothing
getLiteralStringExt more t = g t
getLiteralStringExt more = g
allInList l = let foo = map g l in if all isJust foo then return $ concat (catMaybes foo) else Nothing
g s@(T_DoubleQuoted _ l) = allInList l
......@@ -1357,14 +1355,12 @@ getLiteralStringExt more t = g t
isLiteral t = isJust $ getLiteralString t
-- turn a NormalWord like foo="bar $baz" into a series of constituent elements like [foo=,bar ,$baz]
getWordParts t = g t
g (T_NormalWord _ l) = concatMap g l
g (T_DoubleQuoted _ l) = l
g other = [other]
getWordParts (T_NormalWord _ l) = concatMap getWordParts l
getWordParts (T_DoubleQuoted _ l) = l
getWordParts other = [other]
isCommand token str = isCommandMatch token (\cmd -> cmd == str || ("/" ++ str) `isSuffixOf` cmd)
isUnqualifiedCommand token str = isCommandMatch token (\cmd -> cmd == str)
isUnqualifiedCommand token str = isCommandMatch token (== str)
isCommandMatch token matcher = fromMaybe False $ do
cmd <- getCommandName token
......@@ -1378,7 +1374,7 @@ getCommandName (T_Annotation _ _ t) = getCommandName t
getCommandName _ = Nothing
getCommandBasename = liftM basename . getCommandName
basename = reverse . (takeWhile (/= '/')) . reverse
basename = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse
isAssignment (T_Annotation _ _ w) = isAssignment w
isAssignment (T_Redirecting _ _ w) = isAssignment w
......@@ -1391,14 +1387,13 @@ prop_checkPrintfVar2 = verifyNot checkPrintfVar "printf 'Lol: $s'"
prop_checkPrintfVar3 = verify checkPrintfVar "printf -v cow $(cmd)"
prop_checkPrintfVar4 = verifyNot checkPrintfVar "printf \"%${count}s\" var"
checkPrintfVar _ = checkUnqualifiedCommand "printf" (const f) where
f (dashv:var:rest) | getLiteralString dashv == (Just "-v") = f rest
f (dashv:var:rest) | getLiteralString dashv == Just "-v" = f rest
f (format:params) = check format
f _ = return ()
check format =
if '%' `elem` (concat $ deadSimple format) || isLiteral format
then return ()
else warn (getId format) 2059 $
"Don't use variables in the printf format string. Use printf \"..%s..\" \"$foo\"."
unless ('%' `elem` concat (deadSimple format) || isLiteral format) $
warn (getId format) 2059
"Don't use variables in the printf format string. Use printf \"..%s..\" \"$foo\"."
prop_checkUuoeCmd1 = verify checkUuoeCmd "echo $(date)"
prop_checkUuoeCmd2 = verify checkUuoeCmd "echo `date`"
......@@ -1407,10 +1402,10 @@ prop_checkUuoeCmd4 = verify checkUuoeCmd "echo \"`date`\""
prop_checkUuoeCmd5 = verifyNot checkUuoeCmd "echo \"The time is $(date)\""
checkUuoeCmd _ = checkUnqualifiedCommand "echo" (const f) where
msg id = style id 2005 "Useless echo? Instead of 'echo $(cmd)', just use 'cmd'."
f [T_NormalWord id [(T_DollarExpansion _ _)]] = msg id
f [T_NormalWord id [T_DoubleQuoted _ [(T_DollarExpansion _ _)]]] = msg id
f [T_NormalWord id [(T_Backticked _ _)]] = msg id
f [T_NormalWord id [T_DoubleQuoted _ [(T_Backticked _ _)]]] = msg id
f [T_NormalWord id [T_DollarExpansion _ _]] = msg id
f [T_NormalWord id [T_DoubleQuoted _ [T_DollarExpansion _ _]]] = msg id
f [T_NormalWord id [T_Backticked _ _]] = msg id
f [T_NormalWord id [T_DoubleQuoted _ [T_Backticked _ _]]] = msg id
f _ = return ()
prop_checkUuoeVar1 = verify checkUuoeVar "for f in $(echo $tmp); do echo lol; done"
......@@ -1436,7 +1431,7 @@ checkUuoeVar _ p =
check id (T_Pipeline _ _ [T_Redirecting _ _ c]) = warnForEcho id c
check _ _ = return ()
warnForEcho id = checkUnqualifiedCommand "echo" $ \_ vars ->
unless ("-" `isPrefixOf` (concat $ concatMap deadSimple vars)) $
unless ("-" `isPrefixOf` concat (concatMap deadSimple vars)) $
when (all couldBeOptimized vars) $ style id 2116
"Useless echo? Instead of 'cmd $(echo foo)', just use 'cmd foo'."
......@@ -1455,23 +1450,23 @@ prop_checkTr10= verifyNot checkTr "tr --squeeze-repeats rl lr"
prop_checkTr11= verifyNot checkTr "tr abc '[d*]'"
checkTr _ = checkCommand "tr" (const $ mapM_ f)
f w | isGlob w = do -- The user will go [ab] -> '[ab]' -> 'ab'. Fixme?
warn (getId w) 2060 $ "Quote parameters to tr to prevent glob expansion."
f w | isGlob w = -- The user will go [ab] -> '[ab]' -> 'ab'. Fixme?
warn (getId w) 2060 "Quote parameters to tr to prevent glob expansion."
f word =
case getLiteralString word of
Just "a-z" -> info (getId word) 2018 "Use '[:lower:]' to support accents and foreign alphabets."
Just "A-Z" -> info (getId word) 2019 "Use '[:upper:]' to support accents and foreign alphabets."
Just s -> do -- Eliminate false positives by only looking for dupes in SET2?
when ((not $ "-" `isPrefixOf` s || "[:" `isInfixOf` s) && duplicated s) $
when (not ("-" `isPrefixOf` s || "[:" `isInfixOf` s) && duplicated s) $
info (getId word) 2020 "tr replaces sets of chars, not words (mentioned due to duplicates)."
unless ("[:" `isPrefixOf` s) $
when ("[" `isPrefixOf` s && "]" `isSuffixOf` s && (length s > 2) && (not $ '*' `elem` s)) $
when ("[" `isPrefixOf` s && "]" `isSuffixOf` s && (length s > 2) && ('*' `notElem` s)) $
info (getId word) 2021 "Don't use [] around ranges in tr, it replaces literal square brackets."
Nothing -> return ()
duplicated s =
let relevant = filter isAlpha s
in not $ relevant == nub relevant
in relevant /= nub relevant
prop_checkFindNameGlob1 = verify checkFindNameGlob "find / -name *.php"
......@@ -1508,21 +1503,21 @@ checkGrepRe _ = checkCommand "grep" (const f) where
f [] = return ()
f (x:r) | skippable (getLiteralStringExt (const $ return "_") x) = f r
f (re:_) = do
when (isGlob re) $ do
warn (getId re) 2062 $ "Quote the grep pattern so the shell won't interpret it."
when (isGlob re) $
warn (getId re) 2062 "Quote the grep pattern so the shell won't interpret it."
let string = concat $ deadSimple re
if isConfusedGlobRegex string then
warn (getId re) 2063 $ "Grep uses regex, but this looks like a glob."
warn (getId re) 2063 "Grep uses regex, but this looks like a glob."
else potentially $ do
char <- getSuspiciousRegexWildcard string
return $ info (getId re) 2022 $
"Note that unlike globs, " ++ [char] ++ "* here matches '" ++ [char, char, char] ++ "' but not '" ++ (wordStartingWith char) ++ "'."
"Note that unlike globs, " ++ [char] ++ "* here matches '" ++ [char, char, char] ++ "' but not '" ++ wordStartingWith char ++ "'."
wordStartingWith c =
head . filter ([c] `isPrefixOf`) $ candidates
candidates =
sampleWords ++ (map (\(x:r) -> (toUpper x) : r) sampleWords) ++ [c:"test"]
sampleWords ++ map (\(x:r) -> toUpper x : r) sampleWords ++ [c:"test"]
prop_checkTrapQuotes1 = verify checkTrapQuotes "trap \"echo $num\" INT"
prop_checkTrapQuotes1a= verify checkTrapQuotes "trap \"echo `ls`\" INT"
......@@ -1533,7 +1528,7 @@ checkTrapQuotes _ = checkCommand "trap" (const f) where
f _ = return ()
checkTrap (T_NormalWord _ [T_DoubleQuoted _ rs]) = mapM_ checkExpansions rs
checkTrap _ = return ()
warning id = warn id 2064 $ "Use single quotes, otherwise this expands now rather than when signalled."
warning id = warn id 2064 "Use single quotes, otherwise this expands now rather than when signalled."
checkExpansions (T_DollarExpansion id _) = warning id
checkExpansions (T_Backticked id _) = warning id
checkExpansions (T_DollarBraced id _) = warning id
......@@ -1545,16 +1540,15 @@ prop_checkTimeParameters2 = verifyNot checkTimeParameters "time sleep 10"
prop_checkTimeParameters3 = verifyNot checkTimeParameters "time -p foo"
checkTimeParameters _ = checkUnqualifiedCommand "time" f where
f cmd (x:_) = let s = concat $ deadSimple x in
if "-" `isPrefixOf` s && s /= "-p" then
when ("-" `isPrefixOf` s && s /= "-p") $
info (getId cmd) 2023 "The shell may override 'time' as seen in man time(1). Use 'command time ..' for that one."
else return ()
f _ _ = return ()
prop_checkTestRedirects1 = verify checkTestRedirects "test 3 > 1"
prop_checkTestRedirects2 = verifyNot checkTestRedirects "test 3 \\> 1"
prop_checkTestRedirects3 = verify checkTestRedirects "/usr/bin/test $var > $foo"
checkTestRedirects _ (T_Redirecting id redirs@(redir:_) cmd) | cmd `isCommand` "test" =
warn (getId redir) 2065 $ "This is interpretted as a shell file redirection, not a comparison."
warn (getId redir) 2065 "This is interpretted as a shell file redirection, not a comparison."
checkTestRedirects _ _ = return ()
prop_checkSudoRedirect1 = verify checkSudoRedirect "sudo echo 3 > /proc/file"
......@@ -1568,20 +1562,20 @@ checkSudoRedirect _ (T_Redirecting _ redirs cmd) | cmd `isCommand` "sudo" =
mapM_ warnAbout redirs
warnAbout (T_FdRedirect _ s (T_IoFile id op file))
| (s == "" || s == "&") && (not $ special file) =
| (s == "" || s == "&") && not (special file) =
case op of
T_Less _ ->
info (getId op) 2024 $
info (getId op) 2024
"sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use sudo cat file | .."
T_Greater _ ->
warn (getId op) 2024 $
warn (getId op) 2024
"sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use ..| sudo tee file"
warn (getId op) 2024 $
warn (getId op) 2024
"sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file"
_ -> return ()
warnAbout _ = return ()
special file = (concat $ deadSimple file) == "/dev/null"
special file = concat (deadSimple file) == "/dev/null"
checkSudoRedirect _ _ = return ()
prop_checkPS11 = verify checkPS1Assignments "PS1='\\033[1;35m\\$ '"
......@@ -1623,8 +1617,8 @@ checkIndirectExpansion _ (T_DollarBraced i (T_NormalWord _ contents)) =
err i 2082 "To expand via indirection, use name=\"foo$n\"; echo \"${!name}\"."
isIndirection vars =
let list = catMaybes (map isIndirectionPart vars) in
not (null list) && all id list
let list = mapMaybe isIndirectionPart vars in
not (null list) && and list
isIndirectionPart t =
case t of T_DollarExpansion _ _ -> Just True
T_Backticked _ _ -> Just True
......@@ -1644,11 +1638,11 @@ prop_checkInexplicablyUnquoted4 = verify checkInexplicablyUnquoted "echo \"VALUE
prop_checkInexplicablyUnquoted5 = verifyNot checkInexplicablyUnquoted "\"$dir\"/\"$file\""
checkInexplicablyUnquoted _ (T_NormalWord id tokens) = mapM_ check (tails tokens)
check ((T_SingleQuoted _ _):(T_Literal id str):_)
check (T_SingleQuoted _ _:T_Literal id str:_)
| all isAlphaNum str =
info id 2026 $ "This word is outside of quotes. Did you intend to 'nest '\"'single quotes'\"' instead'? "
info id 2026 "This word is outside of quotes. Did you intend to 'nest '\"'single quotes'\"' instead'? "
check ((T_DoubleQuoted _ _):trapped:(T_DoubleQuoted _ _):_) =
check (T_DoubleQuoted _ _:trapped:T_DoubleQuoted _ _:_) =
case trapped of
T_DollarExpansion id _ -> warnAboutExpansion id
T_DollarBraced id _ -> warnAboutExpansion id
......@@ -1657,9 +1651,9 @@ checkInexplicablyUnquoted _ (T_NormalWord id tokens) = mapM_ check (tails tokens
check _ = return ()
warnAboutExpansion id =
warn id 2027 $ "The surrounding quotes actually unquote this. Remove or escape them."
warn id 2027 "The surrounding quotes actually unquote this. Remove or escape them."
warnAboutLiteral id =
warn id 2140 $ "The double quotes around this do nothing. Remove or escape them."
warn id 2140 "The double quotes around this do nothing. Remove or escape them."
checkInexplicablyUnquoted _ _ = return ()
prop_checkTildeInQuotes1 = verify checkTildeInQuotes "var=\"~/out.txt\""
......@@ -1671,9 +1665,9 @@ checkTildeInQuotes _ = check
verify id ('~':_) = warn id 2088 "Note that ~ does not expand in quotes."
verify _ _ = return ()
check (T_NormalWord _ ((T_SingleQuoted id str):_)) =
check (T_NormalWord _ (T_SingleQuoted id str:_)) =
verify id str
check (T_NormalWord _ ((T_DoubleQuoted _ ((T_Literal id str):_)):_)) =
check (T_NormalWord _ (T_DoubleQuoted _ (T_Literal id str:_):_)) =
verify id str
check _ = return ()
......@@ -1721,7 +1715,7 @@ checkSpuriousExec _ = doLists
commentIfExec (T_Redirecting _ _ f@(
T_SimpleCommand id _ (cmd:arg:_))) =
when (f `isUnqualifiedCommand` "exec") $
warn (id) 2093 $
warn id 2093
"Remove \"exec \" if script should continue after this command."
commentIfExec _ = return ()
......@@ -1753,7 +1747,7 @@ checkUnusedEchoEscapes _ = checkCommand "echo" (const f)
isDashE = mkRegex "^-.*e"
hasEscapes = mkRegex "\\\\[rnt]"
f args | (concat $ concatMap deadSimple allButLast) `matches` isDashE =
f args | concat (concatMap deadSimple allButLast) `matches` isDashE =
return ()
where allButLast = reverse . drop 1 . reverse $ args
f args = mapM_ checkEscapes args
......@@ -1796,8 +1790,8 @@ prop_checkSshCmdStr2 = verifyNot checkSshCommandString "ssh host \"ls foo\""
prop_checkSshCmdStr3 = verifyNot checkSshCommandString "ssh \"$host\""
checkSshCommandString _ = checkCommand "ssh" (const f)
nonOptions args =
filter (\x -> not $ "-" `isPrefixOf` (concat $ deadSimple x)) args
nonOptions =
filter (\x -> not $ "-" `isPrefixOf` concat (deadSimple x))
f args =
case nonOptions args of
(hostport:r@(_:_)) -> checkArg $ last r
......@@ -1805,7 +1799,7 @@ checkSshCommandString _ = checkCommand "ssh" (const f)
checkArg (T_NormalWord _ [T_DoubleQuoted id parts]) =
case filter (not . isConstant) parts of
[] -> return ()
(x:_) -> info (getId x) 2029 $
(x:_) -> info (getId x) 2029
"Note that, unescaped, this expands on the client side."
checkArg _ = return ()
......@@ -1852,7 +1846,7 @@ leadType shell parents t =
T_Backticked _ _ -> SubshellScope "`..` expansion"
T_Backgrounded _ _ -> SubshellScope "backgrounding &"
T_Subshell _ _ -> SubshellScope "(..) group"
T_Redirecting _ _ _ ->
T_Redirecting {} ->
if fromMaybe False causesSubshell
then SubshellScope "pipeline"
else NoneScope
......@@ -1861,7 +1855,7 @@ leadType shell parents t =
parentPipeline = do
parent <- Map.lookup (getId t) parents
case parent of
T_Pipeline _ _ _ -> return parent
T_Pipeline {} -> return parent
_ -> Nothing
causesSubshell = do
......@@ -1870,7 +1864,7 @@ leadType shell parents t =
then return False
else if lastCreatesSubshell
then return True
else return . not $ (getId . head $ reverse list) == (getId t)
else return . not $ (getId . head $ reverse list) == getId t
lastCreatesSubshell =
case shell of
......@@ -1887,15 +1881,13 @@ getModifiedVariables t =
[(x, x, name, DataFrom [w])]
_ -> []
) vars
c@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ _) ->
c@(T_SimpleCommand {}) ->
getModifiedVariableCommand c
TA_Unary _ "++|" (TA_Variable id name) -> [(t, t, name, DataFrom [t])]
TA_Unary _ "|++" (TA_Variable id name) -> [(t, t, name, DataFrom [t])]
TA_Binary _ op (TA_Variable id name) rhs ->
if any (==op) ["=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "+=", "-=", "<<=", ">>=", "&=", "^=", "|="]
then [(t, t, name, DataFrom [rhs])]
else []
[(t, t, name, DataFrom [rhs]) | op `elem` ["=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "+=", "-=", "<<=", ">>=", "&=", "^=", "|="]]
--Points to 'for' rather than variable
T_ForIn id _ strs words _ -> map (\str -> (t, t, str, DataFrom words)) strs
......@@ -1903,7 +1895,7 @@ getModifiedVariables t =
_ -> []
-- Consider 'export/declare -x' a reference, since it makes the var available
getReferencedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ ((T_NormalWord _ ((T_Literal _ x):_)):rest)) =
getReferencedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (T_NormalWord _ (T_Literal _ x:_):rest)) =
case x of
"export" -> concatMap getReference rest
"declare" -> if "x" `elem` getFlags base
......@@ -1917,7 +1909,7 @@ getReferencedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ ((T_NormalWord _ ((T_Lite
getReferencedVariableCommand _ = []
getModifiedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ ((T_NormalWord _ ((T_Literal _ x):_)):rest)) =
getModifiedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (T_NormalWord _ (T_Literal _ x:_):rest)) =
filter (\(_,_,s,_) -> not ("-" `isPrefixOf` s)) $
case x of
"read" ->
......@@ -1934,10 +1926,10 @@ getModifiedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ ((T_NormalWord _ ((T_Litera
stripEquals s = let rest = dropWhile (/= '=') s in
if rest == "" then "" else tail rest
stripEqualsFrom (T_NormalWord id1 ((T_Literal id2 s):rs)) =
(T_NormalWord id1 ((T_Literal id2 (stripEquals s)):rs))
stripEqualsFrom (T_NormalWord id1 (T_Literal id2 s:rs)) =
T_NormalWord id1 (T_Literal id2 (stripEquals s):rs)
stripEqualsFrom (T_NormalWord id1 [T_DoubleQuoted id2 [T_Literal id3 s]]) =
(T_NormalWord id1 [T_DoubleQuoted id2 [T_Literal id3 (stripEquals s)]])
T_NormalWord id1 [T_DoubleQuoted id2 [T_Literal id3 (stripEquals s)]]
stripEqualsFrom t = t
getLiteral t = do
......@@ -1953,11 +1945,11 @@ getModifiedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ ((T_NormalWord _ ((T_Litera
if var == ""
then []
else [(base, token, var, DataFrom [stripEqualsFrom token])]
where var = takeWhile (isVariableChar) $ dropWhile (\x -> x `elem` "+-") $ concat $ deadSimple token
where var = takeWhile isVariableChar $ dropWhile (`elem` "+-") $ concat $ deadSimple token
getModifiedVariableCommand _ = []
-- TODO:
getBracedReference s = takeWhile (\x -> not $ x `elem` ":[#%/^,") $ dropWhile (`elem` "#!") s
getBracedReference s = takeWhile (`notElem` ":[#%/^,") $ dropWhile (`elem` "#!") s
getIndexReferences s = fromMaybe [] $ do
(_, index, _, _) <- matchRegexAll re s
return $ matchAll variableNameRegex index
......@@ -1968,9 +1960,9 @@ getReferencedVariables t =
case t of
T_DollarBraced id l -> let str = bracedString l in
(t, t, getBracedReference str) :
(map (\x -> (l, l, x)) $ getIndexReferences str)
map (\x -> (l, l, x)) (getIndexReferences str)
TA_Variable id str ->
map (\x -> (t, t, x)) $ (getBracedReference str):(getIndexReferences str)
map (\x -> (t, t, x)) $ getBracedReference str:getIndexReferences str
T_Assignment id Append str _ _ -> [(t, t, str)]
x -> getReferencedVariableCommand x
......@@ -2069,13 +2061,12 @@ checkSpacefulness params t =
readF _ token name = do
spaced <- hasSpaces name
if spaced
&& not ("@" `isPrefixOf` name) -- There's another warning for this
&& not (isCounting token)
&& not (isQuoteFree parents token)
&& not (usedAsCommandName parents token)
then return [Note (getId token) InfoC 2086 warning]
else return []
return [Note (getId token) InfoC 2086 warning |
&& not ("@" `isPrefixOf` name) -- There's another warning for this
&& not (isCounting token)
&& not (isQuoteFree parents token)
&& not (usedAsCommandName parents token)]
warning = "Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting."
......@@ -2114,7 +2105,7 @@ checkSpacefulness params t =
_ -> False
globspace = "*? \t\n"
containsAny s = any (\c -> c `elem` s)
containsAny s = any (`elem` s)
prop_checkQuotesInLiterals1 = verifyTree checkQuotesInLiterals "param='--foo=\"bar\"'; app $param"
......@@ -2159,16 +2150,17 @@ checkQuotesInLiterals params t =
readF _ expr name = do
assignment <- getQuotes name
if isJust assignment
&& not (isParamTo parents "eval" expr)
&& not (isQuoteFree parents expr)
then return [
Note (fromJust assignment)WarningC 2089
"Quotes/backslashes will be treated literally. Use an array.",
Note (getId expr) WarningC 2090
"Quotes/backslashes in this variable will not be respected."
else return []
(if isJust assignment
&& not (isParamTo parents "eval" expr)
&& not (isQuoteFree parents expr)
then [
Note (fromJust assignment)WarningC 2089
"Quotes/backslashes will be treated literally. Use an array.",
Note (getId expr) WarningC 2090
"Quotes/backslashes in this variable will not be respected."
else [])
prop_checkFunctionsUsedExternally1 =
......@@ -2297,7 +2289,7 @@ checkWhileReadPitfalls _ (T_WhileExpression id [command] contents)
checkMuncher (T_Pipeline _ _ (T_Redirecting _ redirs cmd:_)) | not $ any stdinRedirect redirs =
case cmd of
(T_IfExpression _ thens elses) ->
mapM_ checkMuncher . concat $ (map fst thens) ++ (map snd thens) ++ [elses]
mapM_ checkMuncher . concat $ map fst thens ++ map snd thens ++ [elses]
_ -> potentially $ do
name <- getCommandBasename cmd
......@@ -2406,7 +2398,7 @@ checkLoopKeywordScope params t |
then if any isFunction $ take 1 path
-- breaking at a source/function invocation is an abomination. Let's ignore it.
then err (getId t) 2104 $ "In functions, use return instead of " ++ fromJust name ++ "."
else err (getId t) 2105 $ (fromJust name) ++ " is only valid in loops."
else err (getId t) 2105 $ fromJust name ++ " is only valid in loops."
else case map subshellType $ filter (not . isFunction) path of
Just str:_ -> warn (getId t) 2106 $
"This only exits the subshell caused by the " ++ str ++ "."
......@@ -2427,7 +2419,7 @@ prop_checkFunctionDeclarations2 = verify checkFunctionDeclarations "#!/bin/dash\
prop_checkFunctionDeclarations3 = verifyNot checkFunctionDeclarations "foo() { echo bar; }"
checkFunctionDeclarations params
(T_Function id (FunctionKeyword hasKeyword) (FunctionParentheses hasParens) _ _) =
case (shellType params) of
case shellType params of
Bash -> return ()
Zsh -> return ()
Ksh ->
......@@ -2696,10 +2688,10 @@ getCommandSequences (T_WhileExpression _ _ cmds) = [cmds]
getCommandSequences (T_UntilExpression _ _ cmds) = [cmds]
getCommandSequences (T_ForIn _ _ _ _ cmds) = [cmds]
getCommandSequences (T_ForArithmetic _ _ _ _ cmds) = [cmds]
getCommandSequences (T_IfExpression _ thens elses) = (map snd thens) ++ [elses]
getCommandSequences (T_IfExpression _ thens elses) = map snd thens ++ [elses]
getCommandSequences _ = []
groupWith f = groupBy (\x y -> f x == f y)
groupWith f = groupBy ((==) `on` f)
prop_checkMultipleAppends1 = verify checkMultipleAppends "foo >> file; bar >> file; baz >> file;"
prop_checkMultipleAppends2 = verify checkMultipleAppends "foo >> file; bar | grep f >> file; baz >> file;"
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import ShellCheck.Data
import Text.Parsec
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Char
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, isSuffixOf, partition, sortBy, intercalate, nub)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
......@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ import GHC.Exts (sortWith)
import Test.QuickCheck.All (quickCheckAll)
backslash = char '\\'
linefeed = (optional carriageReturn) >> char '\n'
linefeed = optional carriageReturn >> char '\n'
singleQuote = char '\'' <|> unicodeSingleQuote
doubleQuote = char '"' <|> unicodeDoubleQuote
variableStart = upper <|> lower <|> oneOf "_"
......@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ unicodeDoubleQuoteChars = "\x201C\x201D\x2033\x2036"
prop_spacing = isOk spacing " \\\n # Comment"
spacing = do
x <- many (many1 linewhitespace <|> (try $ string "\\\n"))
x <- many (many1 linewhitespace <|> try (string "\\\n"))
optional readComment
return $ concat x
......@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ getNextIdAt sourcepos = do
let newMap = Map.insert newId sourcepos map
putState (newId, newMap, notes)
return newId
where incId (Id n) = (Id $ n+1)
where incId (Id n) = Id $ n+1
getNextId = do
pos <- getPosition
......@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ getParseNotes = do
addParseNote n = do
irrelevant <- shouldIgnoreCode (codeForParseNote n)
when (not irrelevant) $ do
unless irrelevant $ do
(a, b, notes) <- getState
putState (a, b, n:notes)
......@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ parseProblem level code msg = do
pos <- getPosition
parseProblemAt pos level code msg
setCurrentContexts c = do
setCurrentContexts c =
Ms.modify (\(list, _) -> (list, c))
getCurrentContexts = do
......@@ -192,8 +193,8 @@ pushContext c = do
parseProblemAt pos level code msg = do
irrelevant <- shouldIgnoreCode code
when (not irrelevant) $
Ms.modify (\(list, current) -> ((ParseNote pos level code msg):list, current))
unless irrelevant $
Ms.modify (first ((:) (ParseNote pos level code msg)))
-- Store non-parse problems inside
......@@ -209,15 +210,15 @@ thenSkip main follow = do
optional follow
return r
unexpecting s p = try $ do
unexpecting s p = try $
(try p >> unexpected s) <|> return ()
notFollowedBy2 = unexpecting "keyword/token"
disregard x = x >> return ()
disregard = void
reluctantlyTill p end = do
(lookAhead ((disregard $ try end) <|> eof) >> return []) <|> do
reluctantlyTill p end =
(lookAhead (disregard (try end) <|> eof) >> return []) <|> do
x <- p
more <- reluctantlyTill p end
return $ x:more
......@@ -229,15 +230,15 @@ reluctantlyTill1 p end = do
more <- reluctantlyTill p end
return $ x:more
attempting rest branch = do
((try branch) >> rest) <|> rest
attempting rest branch =
(try branch >> rest) <|> rest
orFail parser stuff = do
orFail parser stuff =
try (disregard parser) <|> (disregard stuff >> fail "nope")
wasIncluded p = option False (p >> return True)
acceptButWarn parser level code note = do
acceptButWarn parser level code note =
optional $ try (do
pos <- getPosition
......@@ -252,17 +253,17 @@ withContext entry p = do
return v
<|> do -- p failed without consuming input, abort context
fail $ ""
fail ""
called s p = do
pos <- getPosition
withContext (ContextName pos s) p
withAnnotations anns p =
withContext (ContextAnnotation anns) p
withAnnotations anns =
withContext (ContextAnnotation anns)
readConditionContents single = do
readCondContents `attempting` (lookAhead $ do
readConditionContents single =
readCondContents `attempting` lookAhead (do
pos <- getPosition
s <- many1 letter
when (s `elem` commonCommands) $
......@@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ readConditionContents single = do
readCondBinaryOp = try $ do
optional guardArithmetic
id <- getNextId
op <- (choice $ (map tryOp ["==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "=~", ">", "<", "=", "\\<=", "\\>=", "\\<", "\\>"])) <|> otherOp
op <- choice (map tryOp ["==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "=~", ">", "<", "=", "\\<=", "\\>=", "\\<", "\\>"]) <|> otherOp
return op
......@@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ readConditionContents single = do
arg <- readCondWord
return $ op arg)
<|> (do
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1019 $ "Expected this to be an argument to the unary condition."
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1019 "Expected this to be an argument to the unary condition."
fail "oops")
readCondUnaryOp = try $ do
......@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ readConditionContents single = do
return ('-':s)
readCondWord = do
notFollowedBy2 (try (spacing >> (string "]")))
notFollowedBy2 (try (spacing >> string "]"))
x <- readNormalWord
pos <- getPosition
when (endedWith "]" x) $ do
......@@ -324,14 +325,14 @@ readConditionContents single = do
"You need a space before the " ++ (if single then "]" else "]]") ++ "."
fail "Missing space before ]"
when (single && endedWith ")" x) $ do
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1021 $
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1021
"You need a space before the \\)"
fail "Missing space before )"
disregard spacing
return x
where endedWith str (T_NormalWord id s@(_:_)) =
case (last s) of T_Literal id s -> str `isSuffixOf` s
_ -> False
case last s of T_Literal id s -> str `isSuffixOf` s
_ -> False
endedWith _ _ = False
readCondAndOp = do
......@@ -364,9 +365,9 @@ readConditionContents single = do
op <- readCondBinaryOp
y <- if isRegex
then readRegex
else readCondWord <|> ( (parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1027 $ "Expected another argument for this operator.") >> mzero)
else readCondWord <|> (parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1027 "Expected another argument for this operator." >> mzero)
return (x `op` y)
) <|> (return $ TC_Noary id typ x)
) <|> return (TC_Noary id typ x)
readCondGroup = do
id <- getNextId
......@@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ readConditionContents single = do
xor x y = x && not y || not x && y
-- Currently a bit of a hack since parsing rules are obscure
regexOperatorAhead = (lookAhead $ do
regexOperatorAhead = lookAhead (do
try (string "=~") <|> try (string "~=")
return True)
<|> return False
......@@ -514,7 +515,7 @@ readArithmeticContents =
readNumber = do
id <- getNextId
num <- many1 $ oneOf "0123456789."
return $ TA_Literal id (num)
return $ TA_Literal id num
readBased = getArbitrary <|> getHex <|> getOct
......@@ -538,7 +539,7 @@ readArithmeticContents =
hex = try $ do
z <- char '0'
x <- oneOf "xX"
return (z:x:[])
return [z, x]
oct = string "0"
readArithTerm = readBased <|> readArithTermUnit
......@@ -641,7 +642,7 @@ prop_readCondition13= isOk readCondition "[[ foo =~ ^fo{1,3}$ ]]"
readCondition = called "test expression" $ do
opos <- getPosition
id <- getNextId
open <- (try $ string "[[") <|> (string "[")
open <- try (string "[[") <|> string "["
let single = open == "["
condSpacingMsg False $ if single
then "You need spaces after the opening [ and before the closing ]."
......@@ -649,7 +650,7 @@ readCondition = called "test expression" $ do
condition <- readConditionContents single
cpos <- getPosition
close <- (try $ string "]]") <|> (string "]")
close <- try (string "]]") <|> string "]"
when (open == "[[" && close /= "]]") $ parseProblemAt cpos ErrorC 1033 "Did you mean ]] ?"
when (open == "[" && close /= "]" ) $ parseProblemAt opos ErrorC 1034 "Did you mean [[ ?"
......@@ -674,12 +675,12 @@ prop_readAnnotation2 = isOk readAnnotation "# shellcheck disable=SC1234 disable=
readAnnotation = called "shellcheck annotation" $ do
try readAnnotationPrefix
many1 linewhitespace
values <- many1 (readDisable)
values <- many1 readDisable
many linewhitespace
return $ concat values
readDisable = forKey "disable" $ do
readDisable = forKey "disable" $
readCode `sepBy` char ','
readCode = do
......@@ -718,9 +719,8 @@ readNormalishWord end = do
return $ T_NormalWord id x
checkPossibleTermination pos [T_Literal _ x] =
if x `elem` ["do", "done", "then", "fi", "esac"]
then parseProblemAt pos WarningC 1010 $ "Use semicolon or linefeed before '" ++ x ++ "' (or quote to make it literal)."
else return ()
when (x `elem` ["do", "done", "then", "fi", "esac"]) $
parseProblemAt pos WarningC 1010 $ "Use semicolon or linefeed before '" ++ x ++ "' (or quote to make it literal)."
checkPossibleTermination _ _ = return ()
readNormalWordPart end = do
......@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ readNormalWordPart end = do
checkForParenthesis = do
checkForParenthesis =
return () `attempting` do
pos <- getPosition
lookAhead $ char '('
......@@ -806,9 +806,9 @@ readSingleQuoted = called "single quoted string" $ do
optional $ do
c <- try . lookAhead $ suspectCharAfterQuotes <|> oneOf "'"
if (not (null string) && isAlpha c && isAlpha (last string))
if not (null string) && isAlpha c && isAlpha (last string)
parseProblemAt endPos WarningC 1011 $
parseProblemAt endPos WarningC 1011
"This apostrophe terminated the single quoted string!"
when ('\n' `elem` string && not ("\n" `isPrefixOf` string)) $
......@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ readSingleQuotedLiteral = do
readSingleQuotedPart =
<|> (many1 $ noneOf "'\\\x2018\x2019")
<|> many1 (noneOf "'\\\x2018\x2019")
prop_readBackTicked = isOk readBackTicked "`ls *.mp3`"
prop_readBackTicked2 = isOk readBackTicked "`grep \"\\\"\"`"
......@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ readBackTicked = called "backtick expansion" $ do
optional $ do
c <- try . lookAhead $ suspectCharAfterQuotes
when ('\n' `elem` subString && not ("\n" `isPrefixOf` subString)) $ do
when ('\n' `elem` subString && not ("\n" `isPrefixOf` subString)) $
suggestForgotClosingQuote startPos endPos "backtick expansion"
-- Result positions may be off due to escapes
......@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ readBackTicked = called "backtick expansion" $ do
disregard (char '`') <|> do
pos <- getPosition
char '´'
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1077 $
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1077
"For command expansion, the tick should slant left (` vs ´)."
subParse pos parser input = do
......@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ readDoubleQuoted = called "double quoted string" $ do
suggestForgotClosingQuote startPos endPos "double quoted string"
return $ T_DoubleQuoted id x
startsWithLineFeed ((T_Literal _ ('\n':_)):_) = True
startsWithLineFeed (T_Literal _ ('\n':_):_) = True
startsWithLineFeed _ = False
hasLineFeed (T_Literal _ str) | '\n' `elem` str = True
hasLineFeed _ = False
......@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ readDoubleQuoted = called "double quoted string" $ do
suggestForgotClosingQuote startPos endPos name = do
parseProblemAt startPos WarningC 1078 $
"Did you forget to close this " ++ name ++ "?"
parseProblemAt endPos InfoC 1079 $
parseProblemAt endPos InfoC 1079
"This is actually an end quote, but due to next char it looks suspect."
doubleQuotedPart = readDoubleLiteral <|> readDoubleQuotedDollar <|> readBackTicked
......@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ readDoubleLiteral = do
return $ T_Literal id (concat s)
readDoubleLiteralPart = do
x <- many1 $ (readDoubleEscaped <|> (many1 $ noneOf ('\\':doubleQuotableChars)))
x <- many1 (readDoubleEscaped <|> many1 (noneOf ('\\':doubleQuotableChars)))
return $ concat x
readNormalLiteral end = do
......@@ -937,9 +937,9 @@ readGlob = readExtglob <|> readSimple <|> readClass <|> readGlobbyLiteral
readClass = try $ do
id <- getNextId
char '['
s <- many1 (predefined <|> (liftM return $ letter <|> digit <|> oneOf globchars))
s <- many1 (predefined <|> liftM return (letter <|> digit <|> oneOf globchars))
char ']'
return $ T_Glob id $ "[" ++ (concat s) ++ "]"
return $ T_Glob id $ "[" ++ concat s ++ "]"
globchars = "^-_:?*.,!~@#$%=+{}/~"
predefined = do
......@@ -953,20 +953,20 @@ readGlob = readExtglob <|> readSimple <|> readClass <|> readGlobbyLiteral
c <- extglobStart <|> char '['
return $ T_Literal id [c]
readNormalLiteralPart end = do
readNormalEscaped <|> (many1 $ noneOf (end ++ quotableChars ++ extglobStartChars ++ "[{}"))
readNormalLiteralPart end =
readNormalEscaped <|> many1 (noneOf (end ++ quotableChars ++ extglobStartChars ++ "[{}"))
readNormalEscaped = called "escaped char" $ do
pos <- getPosition
next <- (quotable <|> oneOf "?*@!+[]{}.,")
next <- quotable <|> oneOf "?*@!+[]{}.,"
return $ if next == '\n' then "" else [next]
next <- anyChar
case escapedChar next of
Just name -> parseNoteAt pos WarningC 1012 $ "\\" ++ [next] ++ " is just literal '" ++ [next] ++ "' here. For " ++ name ++ ", use " ++ (alternative next) ++ " instead."
Just name -> parseNoteAt pos WarningC 1012 $ "\\" ++ [next] ++ " is just literal '" ++ [next] ++ "' here. For " ++ name ++ ", use " ++ alternative next ++ " instead."
Nothing -> parseNoteAt pos InfoC 1001 $ "This \\" ++ [next] ++ " will be a regular '" ++ [next] ++ "' in this context."
return [next]
......@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ readExtglob = called "extglob" $ do
f <- extglobStart
char '('
return f
contents <- readExtglobPart `sepBy` (char '|')
contents <- readExtglobPart `sepBy` char '|'
char ')'
return $ T_Extglob id [c] contents
......@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ readExtglobPart = do
readExtglobGroup = do
id <- getNextId
char '('
contents <- readExtglobPart `sepBy` (char '|')
contents <- readExtglobPart `sepBy` char '|'
char ')'
return $ T_Extglob id "" contents
readExtglobLiteral = do
......@@ -1030,18 +1030,18 @@ readSingleEscaped = do
readDoubleEscaped = do
bs <- backslash
(linefeed >> return "")
<|> (doubleQuotable >>= return . return)
<|> (anyChar >>= (return . \x -> [bs, x]))
<|> liftM return doubleQuotable
<|> liftM (\ x -> [bs, x]) anyChar
readBraceEscaped = do
bs <- backslash
(linefeed >> return "")
<|> (bracedQuotable >>= return . return)
<|> (anyChar >>= (return . \x -> [bs, x]))
<|> liftM return bracedQuotable
<|> liftM (\ x -> [bs, x]) anyChar
readGenericLiteral endChars = do
strings <- many (readGenericEscaped <|> (many1 $ noneOf ('\\':endChars)))
strings <- many (readGenericEscaped <|> many1 (noneOf ('\\':endChars)))
return $ concat strings
readGenericLiteral1 endExp = do
......@@ -1059,12 +1059,12 @@ readBraced = try $ do
let strip (T_Literal _ s) = return ("\"" ++ s ++ "\"")
id <- getNextId
char '{'
str <- many1 ((readDoubleQuotedLiteral >>= (strip)) <|> readGenericLiteral1 (oneOf "}\"" <|> whitespace))
str <- many1 ((readDoubleQuotedLiteral >>= strip) <|> readGenericLiteral1 (oneOf "}\"" <|> whitespace))
char '}'
let result = concat str
unless (',' `elem` result || ".." `isInfixOf` result) $
fail "Not a brace expression"
return $ T_BraceExpansion id $ result
return $ T_BraceExpansion id result
readNormalDollar = readDollarExpression <|> readDollarDoubleQuote <|> readDollarSingleQuote <|> readDollarLonely
readDoubleQuotedDollar = readDollarExpression <|> readDollarLonely
......@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@ readDollarExpansion = called "command expansion" $ do
try (string "$(")
cmds <- readCompoundList
char ')' <?> "end of $(..) expression"
return $ (T_DollarExpansion id cmds)
return $ T_DollarExpansion id cmds
prop_readDollarVariable = isOk readDollarVariable "$@"
readDollarVariable = do
......@@ -1189,8 +1189,8 @@ readHereDoc = called "here document" $ do
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1038 message
hid <- getNextId
(quoted, endToken) <-
(readDoubleQuotedLiteral >>= return . (\x -> (Quoted, stripLiteral x)))
<|> (readSingleQuotedLiteral >>= return . (\x -> (Quoted, x)))
liftM (\ x -> (Quoted, stripLiteral x)) readDoubleQuotedLiteral
<|> liftM (\ x -> (Quoted, x)) readSingleQuotedLiteral
<|> (readToken >>= (\x -> return (Unquoted, x)))
......@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ readHereDoc = called "here document" $ do
stripLiteral (T_Literal _ x) = x
stripLiteral (T_SingleQuoted _ x) = x
readToken = do
readToken =
liftM concat $ many1 (escaped <|> quoted <|> normal)
quoted = liftM stripLiteral readDoubleQuotedLiteral <|> readSingleQuotedLiteral
......@@ -1226,9 +1226,9 @@ readHereDoc = called "here document" $ do
parseHereData Quoted startPos hereData = do
id <- getNextIdAt startPos
return $ [T_Literal id hereData]
return [T_Literal id hereData]
parseHereData Unquoted startPos hereData = do
parseHereData Unquoted startPos hereData =
subParse startPos readHereData hereData
readHereData = many $ try readNormalDollar <|> try readBackTicked <|> readHereLiteral
......@@ -1245,17 +1245,17 @@ readHereDoc = called "here document" $ do
parseNote ErrorC 1040 "When using <<-, you can only indent with tabs."
return ()
debugHereDoc pos endToken doc =
if endToken `isInfixOf` doc
let lookAt line = when (endToken `isInfixOf` line) $
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1041 ("Close matches include '" ++ line ++ "' (!= '" ++ endToken ++ "').")
in do
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1042 ("Found '" ++ endToken ++ "' further down, but not entirely by itself.")
mapM_ lookAt (lines doc)
else if (map toLower endToken) `isInfixOf` (map toLower doc)
then parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1043 ("Found " ++ endToken ++ " further down, but with wrong casing.")
else parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1044 ("Couldn't find end token `" ++ endToken ++ "' in the here document.")
debugHereDoc pos endToken doc
| endToken `isInfixOf` doc =
let lookAt line = when (endToken `isInfixOf` line) $
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1041 ("Close matches include '" ++ line ++ "' (!= '" ++ endToken ++ "').")
in do
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1042 ("Found '" ++ endToken ++ "' further down, but not entirely by itself.")
mapM_ lookAt (lines doc)
| map toLower endToken `isInfixOf` map toLower doc =
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1043 ("Found " ++ endToken ++ " further down, but with wrong casing.")
| otherwise =
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1044 ("Couldn't find end token `" ++ endToken ++ "' in the here document.")
readFilename = readNormalWord
......@@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ prop_readSeparator2 = isOk readScript "a & b"
readSeparatorOp = do
notFollowedBy2 (g_AND_IF <|> g_DSEMI)
notFollowedBy2 (string "&>")
f <- (try $ do
f <- try (do
char '&'
pos <- getPosition
......@@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ readSeparatorOp = do
return f
readSequentialSep = (disregard $ g_Semi >> readLineBreak) <|> (disregard readNewlineList)
readSequentialSep = disregard (g_Semi >> readLineBreak) <|> disregard readNewlineList
readSeparator =
separator <- readSeparatorOp
......@@ -1343,9 +1343,9 @@ makeSimpleCommand id1 id2 prefix cmd suffix =
T_Redirecting id1 redirs $ T_SimpleCommand id2 assigns args
assignment (T_Assignment _ _ _ _ _) = True
assignment (T_Assignment {}) = True
assignment _ = False
redirection (T_FdRedirect _ _ _) = True
redirection (T_FdRedirect {}) = True
redirection _ = False
......@@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ readPipeline = do
(T_Bang id) <- g_Bang
pipe <- readPipeSequence
return $ T_Banged id pipe
<|> do
prop_readAndOr = isOk readAndOr "grep -i lol foo || exit 1"
......@@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@ readAndOr = do
aid <- getNextId
annotations <- readAnnotations
andOr <- withAnnotations annotations $ do
andOr <- withAnnotations annotations $
chainr1 readPipeline $ do
op <- g_AND_IF <|> g_OR_IF
......@@ -1419,11 +1419,11 @@ readTerm' current =
id <- getNextId
sep <- readSeparator
more <- (option (T_EOF id) readAndOr)
more <- option (T_EOF id) readAndOr
case more of (T_EOF _) -> return [transformWithSeparator id sep current]
_ -> do
list <- readTerm' more
return $ (transformWithSeparator id sep current : list)
return (transformWithSeparator id sep current : list)
return [current]
......@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ readPipe = do
return $ T_Pipe id ('|':qualifier)
readCommand = (readCompoundCommand <|> readSimpleCommand)
readCommand = readCompoundCommand <|> readSimpleCommand
readCmdName = do
f <- readNormalWord
......@@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@ readIfPart = do
readElifPart = called "elif clause" $ do
pos <- getPosition
correctElif <- elif
when (not correctElif) $
unless correctElif $
parseProblemAt pos ErrorC 1075 "Use 'elif' instead of 'else if'."
condition <- readTerm
......@@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@ readElifPart = called "elif clause" $ do
return (condition, action)
elif = (g_Elif >> return True) <|>
(try $ g_Else >> g_If >> return False)
try (g_Else >> g_If >> return False)
readElsePart = called "else clause" $ do
pos <- getPosition
......@@ -1671,14 +1671,14 @@ readSelectClause = called "select loop" $ do
readInClause = do
things <- (readCmdWord) `reluctantlyTill`
(disregard (g_Semi) <|> disregard linefeed <|> disregard g_Do)
things <- readCmdWord `reluctantlyTill`
(disregard g_Semi <|> disregard linefeed <|> disregard g_Do)
do {
lookAhead (g_Do);
lookAhead g_Do;
parseNote ErrorC 1063 "You need a line feed or semicolon before the 'do'.";
} <|> do {
optional $ g_Semi;
optional g_Semi;
disregard allspacing;
......@@ -1707,7 +1707,7 @@ readCaseItem = called "case item" $ do
pattern <- readPattern
list <- ((lookAhead g_DSEMI >> return []) <|> readCompoundList)
list <- (lookAhead g_DSEMI >> return []) <|> readCompoundList
(g_DSEMI <|> lookAhead (readLineBreak >> g_Esac)) `attempting` do
pos <- getPosition
lookAhead g_Rparen
......@@ -1726,11 +1726,11 @@ prop_readFunctionDefinition8 = isOk readFunctionDefinition "foo() (ls)"
readFunctionDefinition = called "function" $ do
functionSignature <- try readFunctionSignature
(disregard (lookAhead $ oneOf "{(") <|> parseProblem ErrorC 1064 "Expected a { to open the function definition.")
disregard (lookAhead $ oneOf "{(") <|> parseProblem ErrorC 1064 "Expected a { to open the function definition."
group <- readBraceGroup <|> readSubshell
return $ functionSignature group
readFunctionSignature = do
readFunctionSignature =
readWithFunction <|> readWithoutFunction
readWithFunction = do
......@@ -1770,10 +1770,10 @@ readCompoundCommand = do
cmd <- choice [ readBraceGroup, readArithmeticExpression, readSubshell, readCondition, readWhileClause, readUntilClause, readIfClause, readForClause, readSelectClause, readCaseClause, readFunctionDefinition]
optional spacing
redirs <- many readIoRedirect
when (not . null $ redirs) $ optional $ do
unless (null redirs) $ optional $ do
lookAhead $ try (spacing >> needsSeparator)
parseProblem WarningC 1013 "Bash requires ; or \\n here, after redirecting nested compound commands."
return $ T_Redirecting id redirs $ cmd
return $ T_Redirecting id redirs cmd
needsSeparator = choice [ g_Then, g_Else, g_Elif, g_Fi, g_Do, g_Done, g_Esac, g_Rbrace ]
......@@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ readArray = called "array assignment" $ do
id <- getNextId
char '('
words <- (readNormalWord `thenSkip` allspacing) `reluctantlyTill` (char ')')
words <- (readNormalWord `thenSkip` allspacing) `reluctantlyTill` char ')'
char ')'
return $ T_Array id words
......@@ -1876,14 +1876,14 @@ tryParseWordToken keyword t = try $ do
optional (do
try . lookAhead $ char '['
parseProblem ErrorC 1069 "You need a space before the [.")
try $ lookAhead (keywordSeparator)
try $ lookAhead keywordSeparator
when (str /= keyword) $
parseProblem ErrorC 1081 $
"Scripts are case sensitive. Use '" ++ keyword ++ "', not '" ++ str ++ "'."
return $ t id
anycaseString str =
mapM anycaseChar str
anycaseString =
mapM anycaseChar
anycaseChar c = char (toLower c) <|> char (toUpper c)
......@@ -1930,11 +1930,11 @@ g_Semi = do
tryToken ";" T_Semi
keywordSeparator =
eof <|> disregard whitespace <|> (disregard $ oneOf ";()[<>&|")
eof <|> disregard whitespace <|> disregard (oneOf ";()[<>&|")
readKeyword = choice [ g_Then, g_Else, g_Elif, g_Fi, g_Do, g_Done, g_Esac, g_Rbrace, g_Rparen, g_DSEMI ]
ifParse p t f = do
ifParse p t f =
(lookAhead (try p) >> t) <|> f
readShebang = do
......@@ -1953,24 +1953,24 @@ readScript = do
pos <- getPosition
optional $ do
parseProblem ErrorC 1082 $
parseProblem ErrorC 1082
"This file has a UTF-8 BOM. Remove it with: LC_CTYPE=C sed '1s/^...//' < yourscript ."
sb <- option "" readShebang
verifyShell pos (getShell sb)
if (isValidShell $ getShell sb) /= Just False
if isValidShell (getShell sb) /= Just False
do {
commands <- readTerm;
eof <|> (parseProblem ErrorC 1070 "Parsing stopped here because of parsing errors.");
eof <|> parseProblem ErrorC 1070 "Parsing stopped here because of parsing errors.";
return $ T_Script id sb commands;
} <|> do {
parseProblem WarningC 1014 "Couldn't read any commands.";
return $ T_Script id sb $ [T_EOF id];
return $ T_Script id sb [T_EOF id];
else do
many anyChar
return $ T_Script id sb $ [T_EOF id];
return $ T_Script id sb [T_EOF id];
basename s = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse $ s
......@@ -2018,8 +2018,8 @@ readScript = do
rp p filename contents = Ms.runState (runParserT p initialState filename contents) ([], [])
isWarning p s = (fst cs) && (not . null . snd $ cs) where cs = checkString p s
isOk p s = (fst cs) && (null . snd $ cs) where cs = checkString p s
isWarning p s = fst cs && (not . null . snd $ cs) where cs = checkString p s
isOk p s = fst cs && (null . snd $ cs) where cs = checkString p s
checkString parser string =
case rp (parser >> eof >> getState) "-" string of
......@@ -2043,7 +2043,7 @@ makeErrorFor parsecError =
getStringFromParsec errors =
case map snd $ sortWith fst $ map f errors of
r -> (intercalate " " $ take 1 $ nub r) ++ " Fix any mentioned problems and try again."
r -> unwords (take 1 $ nub r) ++ " Fix any mentioned problems and try again."
where f err =
case err of
UnExpect s -> (1, unexpected s)
......@@ -2052,15 +2052,15 @@ getStringFromParsec errors =
Message s -> (4, s ++ ".")
wut "" = "eof"
wut x = x
unexpected s = "Unexpected " ++ (wut s) ++ "."
unexpected s = "Unexpected " ++ wut s ++ "."
parseShell filename contents = do
parseShell filename contents =
case rp (parseWithNotes readScript) filename contents of
(Right (script, map, notes), (parsenotes, _)) ->
ParseResult (Just (script, map)) (nub $ sortNotes $ notes ++ parsenotes)
(Left err, (p, context)) ->
ParseResult Nothing
(nub $ sortNotes $ p ++ (notesForContext context) ++ ([makeErrorFor err]))
(nub $ sortNotes $ p ++ notesForContext context ++ [makeErrorFor err])
isName (ContextName _ _) = True
isName _ = False
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Test.QuickCheck.All (quickCheckAll)
shellCheck :: String -> [AnalysisOption] -> [ShellCheckComment]
shellCheck script options =
let (ParseResult result notes) = parseShell "-" script in
let allNotes = notes ++ (concat $ maybeToList $ do
let allNotes = notes ++ concat (maybeToList $ do
(tree, posMap) <- result
let list = runAnalytics options tree
return $ map (noteToParseNote posMap) $ filterByAnnotation tree list
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