package jadx.core.dex.nodes; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import jadx.api.ICodeCache; import jadx.api.ICodeInfo; import jadx.api.ICodeWriter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import jadx.core.Consts; import jadx.core.ProcessClass; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AFlag; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.nodes.NotificationAttrNode; import; import; import; import; import; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.ArgType; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.LiteralArg; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.utils.TypeUtils; import jadx.core.utils.Utils; import jadx.core.utils.exceptions.JadxRuntimeException; import static jadx.core.dex.nodes.ProcessState.LOADED; import static jadx.core.dex.nodes.ProcessState.NOT_LOADED; public class ClassNode extends NotificationAttrNode implements ILoadable, ICodeNode, Comparable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClassNode.class); private final RootNode root; private final IClassData clsData; private final ClassInfo clsInfo; private AccessInfo accessFlags; private ArgType superClass; private List interfaces; private List generics = Collections.emptyList(); private List methods; private List fields; private List innerClasses = Collections.emptyList(); private List inlinedClasses = Collections.emptyList(); // store smali private String smali; // store parent for inner classes or 'this' otherwise private ClassNode parentClass; private volatile ProcessState state = ProcessState.NOT_LOADED; private LoadStage loadStage = LoadStage.NONE; /** * Top level classes used in this class (only for top level classes, empty for inners) */ private List dependencies = Collections.emptyList(); /** * Top level classes needed for code generation stage */ private List codegenDeps = Collections.emptyList(); /** * Classes which uses this class */ private List useIn = Collections.emptyList(); /** * Methods which uses this class (by instructions only, definition is excluded) */ private List useInMth = Collections.emptyList(); // cache maps private Map mthInfoMap = Collections.emptyMap(); public ClassNode(RootNode root, IClassData cls) { this.root = root; this.clsInfo = ClassInfo.fromType(root, ArgType.object(cls.getType())); this.clsData = cls.copy(); initialLoad(clsData); } private void initialLoad(IClassData cls) { try { addAttrs(cls.getAttributes()); this.accessFlags = new AccessInfo(getAccessFlags(cls), AFType.CLASS); this.superClass = checkSuperType(cls); this.interfaces = Utils.collectionMap(cls.getInterfacesTypes(), ArgType::object); ListConsumer fieldsConsumer = new ListConsumer<>(fld ->, fld)); ListConsumer methodsConsumer = new ListConsumer<>(mth ->, mth)); cls.visitFieldsAndMethods(fieldsConsumer, methodsConsumer); if (this.fields != null && this.methods != null) { // TODO: temporary solution for restore usage info in reloaded methods and fields restoreUsageData(this.fields, this.methods, fieldsConsumer.getResult(), methodsConsumer.getResult()); } this.fields = fieldsConsumer.getResult(); this.methods = methodsConsumer.getResult(); initStaticValues(fields); processAttributes(this); buildCache(); // TODO: implement module attribute parsing if (this.accessFlags.isModuleInfo()) { this.addWarnComment("Modules not supported yet"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("Error decode class: " + clsInfo, e); } } private void restoreUsageData(List oldFields, List oldMethods, List newFields, List newMethods) { Map oldFieldMap = Utils.groupBy(oldFields, FieldNode::getFieldInfo); for (FieldNode newField : newFields) { FieldNode oldField = oldFieldMap.get(newField.getFieldInfo()); if (oldField != null) { newField.setUseIn(oldField.getUseIn()); } } Map oldMethodsMap = Utils.groupBy(oldMethods, MethodNode::getMethodInfo); for (MethodNode newMethod : newMethods) { MethodNode oldMethod = oldMethodsMap.get(newMethod.getMethodInfo()); if (oldMethod != null) { newMethod.setUseIn(oldMethod.getUseIn()); } } } private ArgType checkSuperType(IClassData cls) { String superType = cls.getSuperType(); if (superType == null) { if (clsInfo.getType().getObject().equals(Consts.CLASS_OBJECT)) { // java.lang.Object don't have super class return null; } if (this.accessFlags.isModuleInfo()) { // module-info also don't have super class return null; } throw new JadxRuntimeException("No super class in " + clsInfo.getType()); } return ArgType.object(superType); } public void updateGenericClsData(ArgType superClass, List interfaces, List generics) { this.superClass = superClass; this.interfaces = interfaces; this.generics = generics; } private static void processAttributes(ClassNode cls) { // move AnnotationDefault from cls to methods (dex specific) AnnotationDefaultClassAttr defAttr = cls.get(JadxAttrType.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_CLASS); if (defAttr != null) { cls.remove(JadxAttrType.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_CLASS); for (Map.Entry entry : defAttr.getValues().entrySet()) { MethodNode mth = cls.searchMethodByShortName(entry.getKey()); if (mth != null) { mth.addAttr(new AnnotationDefaultAttr(entry.getValue())); } else { cls.addWarnComment("Method from annotation default annotation not found: " + entry.getKey()); } } } // check source file attribute if (!cls.checkSourceFilenameAttr()) { cls.remove(JadxAttrType.SOURCE_FILE); } } private int getAccessFlags(IClassData cls) { InnerClassesAttr innerClassesAttr = get(JadxAttrType.INNER_CLASSES); if (innerClassesAttr != null) { InnerClsInfo innerClsInfo = innerClassesAttr.getMap().get(cls.getType()); if (innerClsInfo != null) { return innerClsInfo.getAccessFlags(); } } return cls.getAccessFlags(); } public static ClassNode addSyntheticClass(RootNode root, String name, int accessFlags) { ClassInfo clsInfo = ClassInfo.fromName(root, name); ClassNode existCls = root.resolveClass(clsInfo); if (existCls != null) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("Class already exist: " + name); } return addSyntheticClass(root, clsInfo, accessFlags); } public static ClassNode addSyntheticClass(RootNode root, ClassInfo clsInfo, int accessFlags) { ClassNode cls = new ClassNode(root, clsInfo, accessFlags); cls.add(AFlag.SYNTHETIC); cls.setState(ProcessState.PROCESS_COMPLETE); root.addClassNode(cls); return cls; } // Create empty class private ClassNode(RootNode root, ClassInfo clsInfo, int accessFlags) { this.root = root; this.clsData = null; this.clsInfo = clsInfo; this.interfaces = new ArrayList<>(); this.methods = new ArrayList<>(); this.fields = new ArrayList<>(); this.accessFlags = new AccessInfo(accessFlags, AFType.CLASS); this.parentClass = this; } private void initStaticValues(List fields) { if (fields.isEmpty()) { return; } List staticFields =; for (FieldNode f : staticFields) { if (f.getAccessFlags().isFinal() && f.get(JadxAttrType.CONSTANT_VALUE) == null) { // incorrect initialization will be removed if assign found in constructor f.addAttr(EncodedValue.NULL); } } try { // process const fields root().getConstValues().processConstFields(this, staticFields); } catch (Exception e) { this.addWarnComment("Failed to load initial values for static fields", e); } } private boolean checkSourceFilenameAttr() { SourceFileAttr sourceFileAttr = get(JadxAttrType.SOURCE_FILE); if (sourceFileAttr == null) { return true; } String fileName = sourceFileAttr.getFileName(); if (fileName.endsWith(".java")) { fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 5); } if (fileName.isEmpty() || fileName.equals("SourceFile")) { return false; } if (clsInfo != null) { String name = clsInfo.getShortName(); if (fileName.equals(name)) { return false; } ClassInfo parentCls = clsInfo.getParentClass(); while (parentCls != null) { String parentName = parentCls.getShortName(); if (parentName.equals(fileName) || parentName.startsWith(fileName + '$')) { return false; } parentCls = parentCls.getParentClass(); } if (fileName.contains("$") && fileName.endsWith('$' + name)) { return false; } if (name.contains("$") && name.startsWith(fileName)) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean checkProcessed() { return getTopParentClass().getState().isProcessComplete(); } public void ensureProcessed() { if (!checkProcessed()) { ClassNode topParentClass = getTopParentClass(); throw new JadxRuntimeException("Expected class to be processed at this point," + " class: " + topParentClass + ", state: " + topParentClass.getState()); } } public ICodeInfo decompile() { return decompile(true); } public ICodeInfo getCode() { return decompile(true); } public ICodeInfo reloadCode() { add(AFlag.CLASS_DEEP_RELOAD); return decompile(false); } public void unloadCode() { if (state == NOT_LOADED) { return; } add(AFlag.CLASS_UNLOADED); unloadFromCache(); deepUnload(); } public void deepUnload() { if (clsData == null) { // manually added class return; } unload(); clearAttributes(); root().getConstValues().removeForClass(this); initialLoad(clsData); innerClasses.forEach(ClassNode::deepUnload); } private void unloadFromCache() { if (isInner()) { return; } ICodeCache codeCache = root().getCodeCache(); codeCache.remove(getRawName()); } private synchronized ICodeInfo decompile(boolean searchInCache) { if (isInner()) { return ICodeInfo.EMPTY; } ICodeCache codeCache = root().getCodeCache(); String clsRawName = getRawName(); if (searchInCache) { ICodeInfo code = codeCache.get(clsRawName); if (code != null && code != ICodeInfo.EMPTY) { return code; } } ICodeInfo codeInfo = ProcessClass.generateCode(this); codeCache.add(clsRawName, codeInfo); return codeInfo; } @Override public void load() { for (MethodNode mth : getMethods()) { try { mth.load(); } catch (Exception e) { mth.addError("Method load error", e); } } for (ClassNode innerCls : getInnerClasses()) { innerCls.load(); } setState(LOADED); } @Override public void unload() { if (state == NOT_LOADED) { return; } methods.forEach(MethodNode::unload); innerClasses.forEach(ClassNode::unload); fields.forEach(FieldNode::unloadAttributes); unloadAttributes(); setState(NOT_LOADED); this.loadStage = LoadStage.NONE; this.smali = null; } private void buildCache() { mthInfoMap = new HashMap<>(methods.size()); for (MethodNode mth : methods) { mthInfoMap.put(mth.getMethodInfo(), mth); } } @Nullable public ArgType getSuperClass() { return superClass; } public List getInterfaces() { return interfaces; } public List getGenericTypeParameters() { return generics; } public ArgType getType() { ArgType clsType = clsInfo.getType(); if (Utils.notEmpty(generics)) { return ArgType.generic(clsType, generics); } return clsType; } public List getMethods() { return methods; } public List getFields() { return fields; } public void addField(FieldNode fld) { fields.add(fld); } public FieldNode getConstField(Object obj) { return getConstField(obj, true); } @Nullable public FieldNode getConstField(Object obj, boolean searchGlobal) { return root().getConstValues().getConstField(this, obj, searchGlobal); } @Nullable public FieldNode getConstFieldByLiteralArg(LiteralArg arg) { return root().getConstValues().getConstFieldByLiteralArg(this, arg); } public FieldNode searchField(FieldInfo field) { for (FieldNode f : fields) { if (f.getFieldInfo().equals(field)) { return f; } } return null; } public FieldNode searchFieldByNameAndType(FieldInfo field) { for (FieldNode f : fields) { if (f.getFieldInfo().equalsNameAndType(field)) { return f; } } return null; } public FieldNode searchFieldByName(String name) { for (FieldNode f : fields) { if (f.getName().equals(name)) { return f; } } return null; } public FieldNode searchFieldByShortId(String shortId) { for (FieldNode f : fields) { if (f.getFieldInfo().getShortId().equals(shortId)) { return f; } } return null; } public MethodNode searchMethod(MethodInfo mth) { return mthInfoMap.get(mth); } public MethodNode searchMethodByShortId(String shortId) { for (MethodNode m : methods) { if (m.getMethodInfo().getShortId().equals(shortId)) { return m; } } return null; } /** * Return first method by original short name * Note: methods are not unique by name (class can have several methods with same name but different * signature) */ @Nullable public MethodNode searchMethodByShortName(String name) { for (MethodNode m : methods) { if (m.getMethodInfo().getName().equals(name)) { return m; } } return null; } public ClassNode getParentClass() { return parentClass; } public void updateParentClass() { if (clsInfo.isInner()) { ClassNode parent = root.resolveClass(clsInfo.getParentClass()); if (parent != null) { parentClass = parent; return; } } parentClass = this; } public ClassNode getTopParentClass() { ClassNode parent = getParentClass(); return parent == this ? this : parent.getTopParentClass(); } public void visitParentClasses(Consumer consumer) { ClassNode currentCls = this; ClassNode parentCls = currentCls.getParentClass(); while (parentCls != currentCls) { consumer.accept(parentCls); currentCls = parentCls; parentCls = currentCls.getParentClass(); } } public void visitSuperTypes(BiConsumer consumer) { TypeUtils typeUtils = root.getTypeUtils(); ArgType thisType = this.getType(); if (!superClass.equals(ArgType.OBJECT)) { consumer.accept(thisType, superClass); typeUtils.visitSuperTypes(superClass, consumer); } for (ArgType iface : interfaces) { consumer.accept(thisType, iface); typeUtils.visitSuperTypes(iface, consumer); } } public boolean hasNotGeneratedParent() { if (contains(AFlag.DONT_GENERATE)) { return true; } ClassNode parent = getParentClass(); if (parent == this) { return false; } return parent.hasNotGeneratedParent(); } public List getInnerClasses() { return innerClasses; } public List getInlinedClasses() { return inlinedClasses; } /** * Get all inner and inlined classes recursively * * @param resultClassesSet * all identified inner and inlined classes are added to this set */ public void getInnerAndInlinedClassesRecursive(Set resultClassesSet) { for (ClassNode innerCls : innerClasses) { if (resultClassesSet.add(innerCls)) { innerCls.getInnerAndInlinedClassesRecursive(resultClassesSet); } } for (ClassNode inlinedCls : inlinedClasses) { if (resultClassesSet.add(inlinedCls)) { inlinedCls.getInnerAndInlinedClassesRecursive(resultClassesSet); } } } public void addInnerClass(ClassNode cls) { if (innerClasses.isEmpty()) { innerClasses = new ArrayList<>(5); } innerClasses.add(cls); cls.parentClass = this; } public void addInlinedClass(ClassNode cls) { if (inlinedClasses.isEmpty()) { inlinedClasses = new ArrayList<>(5); } inlinedClasses.add(cls); } public boolean isEnum() { return getAccessFlags().isEnum() && getSuperClass() != null && getSuperClass().getObject().equals(ArgType.ENUM.getObject()); } public boolean isAnonymous() { return contains(AFlag.ANONYMOUS_CLASS); } public boolean isInner() { return parentClass != this; } public boolean isTopClass() { return parentClass == this; } @Nullable public MethodNode getClassInitMth() { return searchMethodByShortId("()V"); } @Nullable public MethodNode getDefaultConstructor() { for (MethodNode mth : methods) { if (mth.isDefaultConstructor()) { return mth; } } return null; } @Override public AccessInfo getAccessFlags() { return accessFlags; } @Override public void setAccessFlags(AccessInfo accessFlags) { this.accessFlags = accessFlags; } @Override public RootNode root() { return root; } @Override public String typeName() { return "class"; } public String getRawName() { return clsInfo.getRawName(); } /** * Internal class info (don't use in code generation and external api). */ public ClassInfo getClassInfo() { return clsInfo; } public String getShortName() { return clsInfo.getAliasShortName(); } public String getFullName() { return clsInfo.getAliasFullName(); } public String getPackage() { return clsInfo.getAliasPkg(); } public String getDisassembledCode() { if (smali == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); getDisassembledCode(sb); sb.append(ICodeWriter.NL); Set allInlinedClasses = new LinkedHashSet<>(); getInnerAndInlinedClassesRecursive(allInlinedClasses); for (ClassNode innerClass : allInlinedClasses) { innerClass.getDisassembledCode(sb); sb.append(ICodeWriter.NL); } smali = sb.toString(); } return smali; } protected void getDisassembledCode(StringBuilder sb) { if (clsData == null) { sb.append(String.format("###### Class %s is created by jadx", getFullName())); return; } sb.append(String.format("###### Class %s (%s)", getFullName(), getRawName())); sb.append(ICodeWriter.NL); sb.append(clsData.getDisassembledCode()); } public IClassData getClsData() { return clsData; } public ProcessState getState() { return state; } public void setState(ProcessState state) { this.state = state; } public LoadStage getLoadStage() { return loadStage; } public void setLoadStage(LoadStage loadStage) { this.loadStage = loadStage; } public void reloadAtCodegenStage() { ClassNode topCls = this.getTopParentClass(); if (topCls.getLoadStage() == LoadStage.CODEGEN_STAGE) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("Class not yet loaded at codegen stage: " + topCls); } topCls.add(AFlag.RELOAD_AT_CODEGEN_STAGE); } public List getDependencies() { return dependencies; } public void setDependencies(List dependencies) { this.dependencies = dependencies; } public List getCodegenDeps() { return codegenDeps; } public void setCodegenDeps(List codegenDeps) { this.codegenDeps = codegenDeps; } public List getUseIn() { return useIn; } public void setUseIn(List useIn) { this.useIn = useIn; } public List getUseInMth() { return useInMth; } public void setUseInMth(List useInMth) { this.useInMth = useInMth; } @Override public String getInputFileName() { return clsData == null ? "synthetic" : clsData.getInputFileName(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return clsInfo.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o instanceof ClassNode) { ClassNode other = (ClassNode) o; return clsInfo.equals(other.clsInfo); } return false; } @Override public int compareTo(@NotNull ClassNode o) { return this.getFullName().compareTo(o.getFullName()); } @Override public String toString() { return clsInfo.getFullName(); } }