package jadx.core.dex.nodes.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.IAttributeNode; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.ArgType; import jadx.core.utils.exceptions.JadxRuntimeException; public class SignatureParser { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SignatureParser.class); private static final char STOP_CHAR = 0; private final String sign; private final int end; private int pos; private int mark; public SignatureParser(String signature) { sign = signature; end = sign.length(); pos = -1; mark = 0; } @Nullable public static SignatureParser fromNode(IAttributeNode node) { String signature = getSignature(node); if (signature == null) { return null; } return new SignatureParser(signature); } @Nullable public static String getSignature(IAttributeNode node) { SignatureAttr attr = node.get(JadxAttrType.SIGNATURE); if (attr == null) { return null; } return attr.getSignature(); } private char next() { pos++; if (pos >= end) { return STOP_CHAR; } return sign.charAt(pos); } private boolean lookAhead(char ch) { int next = pos + 1; return next < end && sign.charAt(next) == ch; } private void mark() { mark = pos; } /** * Exclusive slice. * * @return string from 'mark' to current position (not including current character) */ private String slice() { int start = mark == -1 ? 0 : mark; if (start >= pos) { return ""; } return sign.substring(start, pos); } /** * Inclusive slice (includes current character) */ private String inclusiveSlice() { int start = mark; if (start == -1) { start = 0; } int last = pos + 1; if (start >= last) { return ""; } return sign.substring(start, last); } private boolean skipUntil(char untilChar) { int startPos = pos; while (true) { if (lookAhead(untilChar)) { return true; } char ch = next(); if (ch == STOP_CHAR) { pos = startPos; return false; } } } private void consume(char exp) { char c = next(); if (exp != c) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("Consume wrong char: '" + c + "' != '" + exp + "', sign: " + debugString()); } } private boolean tryConsume(char exp) { if (lookAhead(exp)) { next(); return true; } return false; } @Nullable public String consumeUntil(char lastChar) { mark(); return skipUntil(lastChar) ? inclusiveSlice() : null; } public ArgType consumeType() { char ch = next(); switch (ch) { case 'L': ArgType obj = consumeObjectType(false); if (obj != null) { return obj; } break; case 'T': next(); mark(); String typeVarName = consumeUntil(';'); if (typeVarName != null) { consume(';'); if (typeVarName.contains(")")) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("Bad name for type variable: " + typeVarName); } return ArgType.genericType(typeVarName); } break; case '[': return ArgType.array(consumeType()); case STOP_CHAR: return null; default: // primitive type (one char) ArgType type = ArgType.parse(ch); if (type != null) { return type; } break; } throw new JadxRuntimeException("Can't parse type: " + debugString() + ", unexpected: " + ch); } private ArgType consumeObjectType(boolean innerType) { mark(); int ch; do { if (innerType && lookAhead('.')) { // stop before next nested inner class return ArgType.object(inclusiveSlice()); } ch = next(); if (ch == STOP_CHAR) { return null; } } while (ch != '<' && ch != ';'); if (ch == ';') { String obj; if (innerType) { obj = slice().replace('/', '.'); } else { obj = inclusiveSlice(); } return ArgType.object(obj); } // generic type start ('<') String obj = slice(); if (!innerType) { obj += ';'; } List typeVars = consumeGenericArgs(); consume('>'); ArgType genericType = ArgType.generic(obj, typeVars); if (!lookAhead('.')) { consume(';'); return genericType; } consume('.'); next(); // type parsing not completed, proceed to inner class ArgType inner = consumeObjectType(true); if (inner == null) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("No inner type found: " + debugString()); } // for every nested inner type create nested type object while (lookAhead('.')) { genericType = ArgType.outerGeneric(genericType, inner); consume('.'); next(); inner = consumeObjectType(true); if (inner == null) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("Unexpected inner type found: " + debugString()); } } return ArgType.outerGeneric(genericType, inner); } private List consumeGenericArgs() { List list = new LinkedList<>(); ArgType type; do { if (lookAhead('*')) { next(); type = ArgType.wildcard(); } else if (lookAhead('+')) { next(); type = ArgType.wildcard(consumeType(), ArgType.WildcardBound.EXTENDS); } else if (lookAhead('-')) { next(); type = ArgType.wildcard(consumeType(), ArgType.WildcardBound.SUPER); } else { type = consumeType(); } if (type != null) { list.add(type); } } while (type != null && !lookAhead('>')); return list; } /** * Map of generic types names to extends classes. *

* Example: "" */ @SuppressWarnings("ConditionalBreakInInfiniteLoop") public List consumeGenericTypeParameters() { if (!lookAhead('<')) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List list = new ArrayList<>(); consume('<'); while (true) { if (lookAhead('>') || next() == STOP_CHAR) { break; } String id = consumeUntil(':'); if (id == null) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("Failed to parse generic types map"); } consume(':'); tryConsume(':'); List types = consumeExtendsTypesList(); list.add(ArgType.genericType(id, types)); } consume('>'); return list; } /** * List of types separated by ':' last type is 'java.lang.Object'. *

* Example: "Ljava/lang/Exception;:Ljava/lang/Object;" */ private List consumeExtendsTypesList() { List types = Collections.emptyList(); boolean next; do { ArgType argType = consumeType(); if (argType == null) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("Unexpected end of signature"); } if (!argType.equals(ArgType.OBJECT)) { if (types.isEmpty()) { types = new ArrayList<>(); } types.add(argType); } next = lookAhead(':'); if (next) { consume(':'); } } while (next); return types; } public List consumeMethodArgs(int argsCount) { consume('('); if (lookAhead(')')) { consume(')'); return Collections.emptyList(); } List args = new ArrayList<>(argsCount); int limit = argsCount + 10; // just prevent endless loop, args count can be different for synthetic methods do { ArgType type = consumeType(); if (type == null) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("Unexpected end of signature"); } args.add(type); if (args.size() > limit) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("Arguments count limit reached: " + args.size()); } } while (!lookAhead(')')); consume(')'); return args; } private static String mergeSignature(List list) { if (list.size() == 1) { return list.get(0); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : list) { sb.append(s); } return sb.toString(); } public String getSignature() { return sign; } private String debugString() { if (pos >= sign.length()) { return sign; } return sign + " at position " + pos + " ('" + sign.charAt(pos) + "')"; } @Override public String toString() { if (pos == -1) { return sign; } return sign.substring(0, mark) + '{' + sign.substring(mark, pos) + '}' + sign.substring(pos); } }